To create the communication bridge to Digital Access Pass (DAP), you need to download a small PHP file (ZIP file, 4KB). Unzip the download and upload the PHP file to the folder where DAP is installed in your server (FTP recommended).

For example, if you have installed DAP at, then upload the file so its URL is

Once that PHP file is uploaded to your server, we can start the configuration process.

DAP membership integration requires:

  1. Secret key from DAP
  2. URL to the membership portal provided by DAP
  3. URL for the DAP Notification (which is the link to the PHP file you just uploaded. Example:

Note: The rest of this documentation will assume you are an active user of the DAP service and know all the details of its own installation and use. Please contact your DAP support for more information on using the DAP service.

Upon selecting the DAP tab within the external membership integration window you will be presented with the following.

Integration Digital Access Pass DAP with Kartra

  • Membership name: Add a name for the integration. This is internal and will help you identify the integration in your Kartra account.
  • Login URL to the membership portal: Add the login URL for the DAP portal.
  • Notification URL: Add the direct URL to the PHP file you uploaded at the beginning of this guide. For example:
    • Visit Configuration → XML Postback page and set the IPN URL to point to the URL for the uploaded PHP file.
  • DAP Product/Level: Get the DAP product/level from the "Products/Levels" tab in the DAP top menu bar, and then take the name from the product list.
  • Secret key can be collected from the configuration info window in DAP. Navigate to the left sidebar option "Digital Access Pass (DAP)" from your WordPress add-on. Select the "Setup" tab on the top bar; and then the "config" option within the "Setup" tab.

Locate the section shown below to collect the "Secret Key for Payment Processing." Note: Kartra will use the same integration that DAP uses for other payment processing providers and may not be mentioned. However, it should work.

Click Create in the Kartra integration screen to finish your DAP membership integration. 

Note: If you are unable to find the "Secret Key" on DAP or have any other issues with collecting the information, please contact DAP support for help to navigate their website.

If your DAP Secret Key/information does not work via Kartra, please contact Kartra support.

Note: DAP is one of the more complex integration to use with Kartra and we would recommend most users use the Kartra membership service or be an advanced user of the DAP system.