In Page Settings, add or edit:

  1. SEO Parameters
  2. Tracking Code
  3. Tags
  4. Page Redirect
  5. Popups
  6. Helpdesk

How to access page settings

  1. Create or open a page in the Page Builder.
  2. In the left side menu, click Settings
    Click Settings in the left side menu

Page SEO and indexing

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the settings that help improve your page’s visibility on search engines like Google. Optimizing these parameters can boost your search ranking, making it easier for people to find your page.

For example, when searching for "Kartra" on Google, you’ll see:

  1. The page’s SEO title.
  2. The SEO meta description.

These elements help both search engines and users understand your page content.

Kartra's home page SEO title and description

Set page SEO parameters

To set your page’s SEO parameters:

  1. Open a page in the Page Builder
  2. Go to Settings > SEO parameters
  3. Complete each field in the SEO parameters panel
  4. Click Apply to save

Fill in the SEO parameters for a page to optimize search engine rankings

Understanding SEO elements

Meta parameters

  • Page Title: The clickable headline that appears in search results. It should clearly describe your page’s content and include relevant keywords to attract users and improve ranking. The title also appears in the browser tab when you are visiting the published page.
    • Kartra adds the name of your page to the page title field by default. You can keep this setting or change it later.
  • Page Meta Description: A short summary of your page that appears below the title in search results. It provides a brief overview to entice users to click, and also helps search engines understand your content.
  • Page Meta Keywords: While these keywords don’t appear in search results, they help search engines identify your page’s topic.
  • Page Author: This field allows you to include the author’s name, particularly for blog posts or articles. It may appear in some search results, though not all search engines use it.

Open Graph (OG) parameters: These control how your page looks when shared on social media. The following image shows how OG parameters are displayed on Facebook:

Open Graph SEO parameters displayed for a link shared on Facebook

  1. OG:Image: Appears prominently on the left or top, depending on the platform
  2. OG:Title: The main headline, usually in bold
  3. OG:Description: The text below the title, usually a summary or hook describing the linked page

Hiding a page from search engines

If you want to prevent a page from being indexed (e.g., a thank-you page), scroll to the bottom of the SEO Parameters panel and toggle ON the Hide from search engines option.

Toggle ON hide from search engines to stop Google from indexing your page

Pro tip

Indexing is when search engines like Google add your webpage to their list of pages that can appear in search results. If you don’t want your page to show up in searches, you can stop it from being indexed.

Common reasons to hide a page from search engines include:

  • Thank-you pages after a purchase or form submission.
  • Private content not meant for public discovery.
  • Temporary pages or test pages you don't want anyone to see.