To create a fully customized login page for a membership or course, go to Pages

  1. Click the add Page button to start a new page
  2. Start with a blank page or choose a template (Tip: Browse the template category "Membership Login")
  3. A button component is used to pop-up a login form on the page
    • Choose a template that has a button or drag a new button component into the page
  4. Hover over the button component until the orange editing menu appears
  5. Click the pencil icon to Edit style
  6. At the top of the configuration panel, click Link 
    • Select Pop a membership login form
    • At the bottom of the configuration panel, select a membership for the login
    • Click Apply to save the changes
  7. Publish the page
  8. Customize the URL for the new login page if desired. Click the pencil icon next to the URL field to edit.

Link the custom login page to the membership

This step is required to ensure new members receive the correct login link in the welcome email.

  1. Go to Memberships and click the three dots on an asset to open its menu
  2. Click Login link
  3. Click Member login
  4. Under Link to your membership login page, select Your own Kartra page design
  5. Select the site and name of the custom membership login page you created from the dropdowns
  6. Click the checkmark icon to save the selection
    • The direct URL to the login page appears below your selection. The URL can be customized in the page settings.
    • Use your cursor to select and copy the URL if you want to share it.

Select a custom login page for your membership