Recurring installment subscriptions allow you to charge your customers in a series of payments every billing cycle instead of one single amount.

When an installment plan is purchased, the system creates a series of scheduled dates on which your customer will be charged automatically.

If a payment in the installment series fails:

  • The subscription enters the normal failure cycle and a new charge is attempted every three days, three more times.
  • If the payment cannot be collected during the failure cycle, the subscription is automatically canceled.
  • Canceled installment plans cannot be renewed or reinstated.

Partially-paid installment plans

If the subscription is canceled:

  • Canceled subscriptions cannot be reactivated, even if the customer did not complete all scheduled installments.
  • Your customer must purchase a new subscription to resume paying for your product or service.

If the subscription is active, two options give you time to resolve payment delays:

Reschedule the next payment date.

  • This will change your customer’s normal billing date to a new date you select.
  • The next payment attempt will be automatic.

Pause the subscription.

  • Resume when your customer has confirmed that all issues with their payment method are resolved.
  • No new payment will be attempted until the subscription is resumed.
  • This interrupts the billing cycle. When you resume, check the next billing date and reschedule it if necessary.

Go to Products > Analytics > Subscriptions to manage billing schedules


Reschedule Kartra payment date

  • Click the calendar icon in the subscription details.
  • Select the new billing date in the calendar picker.
  • The change is saved immediately.

Pause and resume

Pause subscription billing

Click the Pause button in the Next payment box to stop automatic subscription billing.

Resume subscription billing

Click the Play button in the Next payment box to resume.