Images can be uploaded to your account nearly anywhere you create content. If there’s an option to add or edit an image, you can launch and browse your image library.

Once images are uploaded, you can manage the files in the Media section of your account.

Manage existing image files

To manage images you uploaded previously, go to Media > Images

Uploaded images appear in a table displaying each file’s name, category, size, and number of downloads. Click the buttons in the Actions column to manage each file.

Images dashboard management

  1. Hover over the eye icon to see an image preview
  2. Click the arrow icon to download the image
  3. Click the link icon to access a direct URL to the hosted image file
  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the name or categoryof the image.
    • Tip: You can also access category management from this screen. To rename, add, or remove image categories, click the pencil and use Manage my categories.
  5. Click the X icon to delete the image from your directory

Using the image library

When you use the content creation tools to add an image to a page, membership, or email you’re working on, the image library opens. From the library, you can upload new images or select an existing one.

Access royalty-free images from the image library

In the image library, use the search bar to select a directory and perform a search. There are three directory areas:

  1. User gallery (your uploaded files)
  2. Royalty-free images
  3. Royalty-free icons

Edit image details from the image library

In the User gallery, hover over an image to access buttons to see a preview, edit the file, or select it to add to your content. 

If you have selected an image, click Confirm in the top-right corner of the window to add it to your content.