Each section of your account has a dedicated recycle bin for any asset that can be restored after deletion. 

To restore an asset, enter the recycle bin:

  1. Click the trash icon to open the recycle bin
    The trash icon is located on the top right
  2. Locate the asset you want to restore
  3. Click the restore icon to restore the asset

  4. Click Exit Bin in the top right corner and view the restored asset
    • Examples: Recycle bin layout varies depending on the type of asset stored.

Pro tip

  • Assets are saved in the recycle bin for 30 days after deletion
  • Analytics are fully restored along with the asset
  • Restoring a deleted campaign restores all assets associated with that campaign in a single action
  • Not every asset type can be restored. Look for the recycle bin icon to indicate whether restoration is possible

The recycle bin feature is intended to help you restore whole assets. This option is not available for individual components of an asset, such as a page block, helpdesk ticket, sequence step, membership post, etc.

Restorable assets:

  • Products
  • Tracking links
  • Tracking page code
  • Lists
  • Tags
  • Broadcasts
  • Sequences
  • Automations
  • Pages
  • Forms
  • Memberships
  • Portals
  • Webinars
  • Videos
  • Video Playlists
  • Calendars
  • Surveys
  • Helpdesks
  • Funnels
  • Simulations
  • Campaigns