Follow these tips to get the best performance from Kartra pages.

  1. Clear your cookies and cache regularly
  2. Test custom code before adding it to a page
  3. Make sure only one person is editing at a time
  4. Simplify long pages

Clear your cookies and cache regularly

Clearing cache and cookies is an important practice as you build, test, and troubleshoot new assets.

Both cookies and cache data store information about the sites you visit and the actions you take while logged into an active browser session. This can be helpful because it allows your browser to load content you’ve seen before a bit faster and the sites you use to provide a more personalized experience.

However, cookies and cached files accumulate over time from all the websites you visit, which can impact the overall speed of your browser and cause lag in the Kartra page builder. 

When you are testing new Kartra assets, you may also want to avoid being seen as a returning visitor.

  • Save your work before clearing cache and cookies. Clearing your browser data will log you out of Kartra.
  • When testing a republished page, clear cache and cookies to ensure that your browser displays the new version of the content instead of the old version.
  • Make a habit of clearing your cache and cookies at the beginning or end of each day of work so you always have a clean session the next time you sit down.
  • If you are testing many changes to the same asset, you may benefit from clearing cache and cookies after each change.

Note: Clearing cache and cookies will log you out of any websites where you have an active login session, including Kartra. Make sure your work is saved before taking this action.

How to clear data for your browser:

Test custom code before adding it to a page

Custom code can be added to any Kartra page on subscription plans that include this feature. This gives you lots of flexibility to create unique pages.

However, combining code from two different sources – in this case, from Kartra and the source of your custom work – always comes with an element of compatibility risk. 

Just like when you try a new chemical cleaner in your home, you should always do a “patch test” somewhere inconspicuous to make sure the new content won’t do any harm.

  • Finish and save your page before adding any custom code, then clone the page.
  • Use the clone as a test copy for the custom code or as a backup. Add the custom code to only one copy. Publish and test the version with the custom code.
  • Pro tip: Test the page in multiple browsers to make sure the page works as expected in more than one software option.
  • If something happens and the code doesn’t work (or worse, breaks the page completely), you can delete the test copy and start over with a new clone of the backup. No harm done.

When it comes to testing code compatibility, it’s always best to err on the safe side. Clones are an easy way to provide yourself with a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

Make sure only one person is editing at a time

Kartra builders allow multiple users to launch the same asset at the same time but do not support dual editing. If two team members are working on the same page at the same time, it is very likely to result in content loss.


Pay attention to the team member online bar at the bottom of your browser window when you are in a builder. If you see another user enter the asset you are working on, stop making any changes and reach out to coordinate with them.

Only one user should make changes to the page at a time. If you need to trade off, complete your changes and leave the builder. The other user should then relaunch the builder so the most up-to-date content is loaded before they begin additional work.

Simplify long pages

Building extremely long pages with a lot of sections and content can hurt loading times, both in the page builder and on the live website.


To optimize your pages for better performance, consider shortening your page content or breaking it up into more than one page. This will help ensure quicker loading times for visitors and a smoother experience for you any time you need to edit the page.

An alert will warn you when there are 15 sections on your page. Performance may be reduced if additional sections are added.