
  • Always On webinars are meant to be reused. 
    • Click on the three dot menu on the webinar and download the recording and the chat log after each live event. Every new event hosted in the live room generates a new replay recording and a new chat log overwriting the old records.
  • Always On webinars are accessible 24/7 eliminating the need to set up a schedule. 
  • Always On webinars allow only free registration with an opt-in form.
  • There are no automatic notifications in Always On webinars. You will need to send your attendees the registration page link displayed in the final step of webinar setup. 

Right Now, Always On, Scheduled Configuration display.

Advanced configuration process lets you customize all aspects of your webinar. 

To create an Always On webinar: 

  1. Visit Webinars and select the blue plus button on the bottom right.
  2. Enter a webinar name and click Next.
  3. Select Advanced configuration and click Next.
  4. Select Always On and click Create.
  5. Add Webinar details and additional Presenters and click Saveon the right for each section.
    • Additional presenters added in the configuration wizard enter the webinar as room administrators. Room administrators can grant and revoke administrat`or status of any presenter. 
    • All presenters can access the live room options from the right-side menu. 
    • Presenters without administrator status can’t manage other presenters or access the start and end call buttons.
  6. Click Save and next on the bottom to continue the setup.
  7. Click Save and next to bypass the Schedule setup.
  8. Set up your free registration opt-in form and message and click Save on the right for each section.
  9. Click Save and next on the bottom to continue the setup.
  10. Click Save and next to bypass the Notifications setup.
  11. Set up Live room features you’d like to use to interact with your attendees and click Save and next on the bottom.
    • Polls and quizzes
    • Product offer
    • Videos
    • Files handouts
    • Slide presentation
  12. Select the desired video replay permission and click Save on the right.
  13. Selecting Yes, allow access to the replay page will prompt you to set up webinar replay contents, replay controls, replay page expiration date, and if you wish to allow users to submit questions.
  14. Click Save and next on the bottom to continue the setup.
  15. Set up Automations features you’d like to apply to webinar attendees and click Save and next on the bottom 
    • Assign tags
    • Subscribe to lists
    • Subscribe to sequences
    • Advanced automations
  16. Copy the Registration page link and share it with your attendees. Once they are registered, and you log into the webinar, they will be redirected to the webinar room.
  17. Visit the Live room link to start your webinar.