Automation rules allow you to create automatic workflows in your account based on a triggering event. These rules use IF/THEN logic to tell the system: IF something happens (the trigger), THEN do something else (the action).

How it works

A simple example of an automation is:

  • IF lead fills opt-in form THEN subscribe lead to list

Basic automation

Basic automation functions are included with all Kartra plans and are configured in the setup wizard for assets like products, forms, webinars, etc.

In an asset configuration, go to the Basic automations step.

Define a standard set of rules to automatically occur when something happens that is specific to the asset.

  • Add tag(s)
  • Subscribe to list(s)
  • Subscribe to sequence(s)

Open the Basic automations module in the wizard to create even more complex IF/THEN rules for the asset, with the option to add AND conditions to refine both the trigger and the follow-up action.

Open the basic automations module

Define the automation rules in the pop-up window

Basic automation rules are available in the setup wizards for:

  • Broadcast emails and SMS
  • Forms
  • Sequences
  • Products
  • Memberships
  • Webinars
  • Calendars
  • Surveys

Advanced automation

Advanced automation is included in the Growth, Professional, and Enterprise subscription plans. Define advanced automation rules in Communications > Advanced automations.

Advanced automation rules are not bound to any specific asset and can be used to create a wide range of advanced workflows in your account.

Select a trigger and action for an advanced automation

Check your plan

Advanced automation is included with Kartra Growth, Professional, and Enterprise plans. Review or change your subscription in your account Billing.