Use an HTML embed code to get traffic and engagement analytics from pages hosted outside your Kartra account.

There are many reasons to track page visits outside of Kartra. For instance, if your sales funnel ends with a purchase outside of Kartra, you can place the Kartra page tracking code on the external service's purchase confirmation page.

This way, anyone landing on that page is assumed to have made a purchase and can be tagged or followed up accordingly.

Track external page traffic in Kartra

Note: To use the page tracking code, you will need access to the source code for the external page. Some coding skills may be required.

To create page tracking code, go to Products > Products > Tracking. Select Page tracking from the tabs in the top right.

  1. Click the add Track page button in the bottom right
  2. Add a name and category for the page code

    Define the details of the tracking code
  3. Set a value per visit (Optional)
  4. Choose whether to assign a tag to people who land on the page
  5. On the final page, select and copy the HTML tracking code

Get the tracking code from the final screen of the setup

Place the code in the <footer> section of the source code of the external page you want to track. 

Test to ensure the code was added correctly by visiting the page. Check the Page tracking analytics in Kartra to confirm that the visit was counted.

Take note

You can check the Page tracking in your Kartra account anytime to see the number of visits and estimated revenue for the pages you are tracking. If you've assigned a value to a page, each visit will increase the amount in the revenue column. Note that this is just an estimate, as Kartra can only track sales that come through a Kartra checkout form.

Page tracking analytics show visits and approximate revenue

If a visitor is a known lead, their log will show they visited a tracked page, and they can be tagged if the code is set up for it. This relies on browser cookies—Kartra must recognize the visitor as a lead in your account to update their log and assign a tag. If cookies are disabled, your analytics may vary.