To get or share your content after the webinar:

  1. Go to Webinars and find your event.
  2. Click on the three dot menu on the webinar to open the options.
  3. Select Recordings from the list.
  4. Choose the Session from the drop-down menu at the top.
    • Copy the Replay registration link to share it (available if enabled).
      • Pro tip: Click the pencil icon to customize the link.
    • Click the download icon on the far right to download the Video recording and Chat log.
    • View the results of a poll you posted in the webinar.

Webinar recordings configurations menu


Replay registration page: A page is auto-generated to share direct access to the replay after the event IF a replay is enabled.

  • Go to the "Replay" step in the webinar setup wizard and select, “Yes, allow access to the replay page”

Video recording: MP4 download

Chat log: CSV download

  • Timestamp (Hour, Minute, Second)
  • Registered name
  • Role (Attendee, Presenter)
  • Message
  • Mode (Text, Question, or Answer)

Poll data: Response count and percentage poll results. Individual attendee responses are not captured.