Go to Webinars to create a new event.

To create a webinar, you will need to choose between three scheduling options:

  • Right Now webinars are designed to be run one time
    • Accessible 24/7 - no scheduled date and time.
    • No automatic notifications.
    • Only allow a free registration opt-in form.
  • Always On webinars are designed to be reused: 
    • The room is available 24/7.
    • Your unique branded link and the live room will remain constant.
    • Every event generates a new replay recording and a new chat log overwriting the old records.
    • Only allow a free registration opt-in form.
  • Scheduled webinars
    • The webinar is scheduled for sometime in the future:
      • single session - customer chooses one date/time, 
      • multiple sessions - customer registers for all webinars,
      • recurring series of sessions - customer registers to a series of daily or weekly sessions for their entire duration.
    • Your customers will fill out a registration form and receive a webinar link in an email.
    • Allow both free and paid registration with an opt-in form. 
    • To set up a paid webinar, first create a new product dedicated specifically to this webinar.

Pro tip

The time picker tool in the scheduling is a 24-hour clock.

  • For 12am to 11:59am, select from the inside circle
  • For 12pm to 11:59pm, select from the outside circle

Select a schedule type in Kartra webinars