You can create navigation menus for all the pages on your website at the top (the header) or bottom (the footer) of the page.

Take note:

  • Menus provide links to other pages on a website or other related content. They provide the navigation pathways that connect multiple web pages into a website.
  • Header and footer menu items can be linked in lots of different ways:
    • Trigger a drop-down submenu with more links (header only)
    • Link to another Kartra page or an external URL
    • Link to a section on the same page
    • Pop up a form or media player
    • and more!
  • Most page templates contain header and footer menu sections by default. You can use or replace the default menus if you prefer a different style or layout.
  • Header menus and footers can exported to or imported from a Kartra Site to sync the styling on multiple pages. This means you can update your menus once and push the change across all your pages!

Important: Header menu and footer section templates have unique coding that allows Kartra to identify them as global site elements and control the layout of the objects inside.

You can add or remove objects from menu sections if desired, but layout customization is limited.

Create a header menu

To add a header menu section in the page builder:

  1. Open a page
  2. Click Add section at the top edge of the page canvas
  3. In the sidebar, select Basic elements > Header Menus
  4. Browse the menu designs and click one to add it to the page

Edit header menu section

Create a drop-down submenu

  1. Hover over the menu item in your header where you want a submenu to appear
  2. Click the pencil icon to open the configuration panel
  3. Select Link > Slide down a submenu
    1. Scroll down in the configuration panel to see the submenu options
    2. Set up to 18 submenu items. Enter the link text and set the destination page or section for each.
    3. Click Apply to save

When a submenu has been added, the top-level menu item shows a down arrow icon indicating that it can be expanded to see more links. To test the submenu, use the Actions button in the top right corner of the builder to Preview or Publish the page.

Create a footer

To add a footer section in the page builder:

  1. Open a page
  2. Click Add section at the bottom edge of the page canvas
  3. In the sidebar, select Basic elements > Footers
  4. Browse the menu designs and click one to add it to the page

Edit the footer section contents

Customize the page footer:

  1. Hover over each link and element in the footer section to see the component menu
  2. Click the pencil icon to open the configuration panel
  3. Update styles, links, and effects as desired
  4. Click Apply to save

Sync menu updates with your site

Important: Your page must be assigned to a Site before you can sync updates.

When your updates are complete, click the Actions menu to Save the page.

  1. In the left-side menu in the page builder, click Sites
  2. If the page is not assigned to a site, select one from the drop-down menu and click Assign
  3. In the Export to Sitepanel:
    • Click the toggle next to each element you want to sync to the rest of the pages in the site. For example: Header menu and/or Footer
    • Use the dropdown menu to select whether to Apply changes to all pages in the site, or select specific pages. You can select more than one.
  4. Click Apply to complete

Note: If you toggle an element to Export to Site that does not exist in the working page, the destination page(s) will not be changed. For example, if you export a footer, but the destination pages do not have footer sections in them.