lead | {
"id": integer,
"first_name": string,
"middle_name": string,
"last_name": string,
"last_name2": string,
"email": string,
"phone_country_code": string,
"phone": string,
"company": string,
"address": string,
"city": string,
"zip": string,
"state": string,
"country": string,
"date_joined": string (YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss),
"website": string,
"ip": string,
"ip_country": string,
"facebook": string,
"twitter": string,
"linkedin": string,
"sales_tax_id": string,
"lead_picture": string,
"source": string,
"score": integer,
"referring_id": integer,
"blacklisted": integer,
"source_id": integer,
"gdpr_lead_status": integer,
"gdpr_lead_status_date": string,
"gdpr_lead_status_ip": string,
"gdpr_lead_communications": integer,
"lead_preferred_time_zone": string,
"custom_fields": [
// In the case of input_field and text_area this will be string, else it will have the following structure:
} - id: A unique numeric identifier for the lead.
- first_name: The lead's first name.
- middle_name: The lead's middle name.
- last_name: The lead's last name.
- last_name2: The lead's second last name.
- email: The lead's email address.
- phone_country_code: The lead's phone country code.
- phone: The lead's phone.
- company: The lead's company.
- address: The lead's address.
- city: The lead's city.
- zip: The lead's zip.
- state: The lead's state.
- country: The lead's country.
- date_joined: The date when the lead joined kartra.
- website: The lead's website.
- ip: The lead's IP.
- ip_country: The lead's IP country.
- facebook: The lead's facebook URL.
- twitter: The lead's twitter URL.
- linkedin: The lead's linkedin URL.
- sales_tax_id: The lead's sales tax id.
- lead_picture: The lead's picture URL.
- source: The lead's creation source ('single-optin','double-optin','helpdesk','affiliate-signup','checkout','import','api','manual','checkout-first').
- score: The lead's score.
- referring_id: The lead's referring affiliate id.
- blacklisted: If the lead is blacklisted or not (0/1).
- source_id: The lead's source assed id.
- gdpr_lead_status: The lead's GDPR status, possible values: 0 - For GDPR status off - Your account has GDPR deactivated 1 - For GDPR status not subject - The lead's IP is from a country not subject to GDPR 2 - For GDPR status accepted - The lead has accepted the GDPR terms 3 - For GDPR status not accepted - The lead hasn't accepted the GDPR terms 4 - For GDPR status unknown - The lead's location could not be determined 5 - For GDPR status pending
- gdpr_lead_status_date: The date of the last GDPR status change
- gdpr_lead_status_ip: The IP of the last GDPR status change
- gdpr_lead_communications: 0 - if the user has agreed to be contacted, 1 - if not
- lead_preferred_time_zone: The lead's preferred time zone.
- custom fields:
- field_id - the unique id reference (integer)
- field_identifier - the unique identifier chosen when it was created (string)
- field_type - the field type (string with the following values: input_field, text_area, drop_down, radio_button, checkbox)
- field_value - the value saved for the particular lead. In the case of input_field and text_area this will be string, if not it will be an array. In the case of checkboxes the values can have multiple values:
"option_id":1, // the unique id reference (integer)
"option_value":"red", // option value (string)
action_details | {
"transaction_date":date(Y-m-d H:i:s),
"transaction_type":"refund" or "partial_refund",
"gdpr_lead_status_date":"2021-05-26 02:57:29",
"payment_processor_type": string
} - transaction_id: Kartra order id.
- lead_first_name: The buyer first name.
- lead_last_name: The buyer last name.
- lead_email: The buyer email address.
- lead_username: The buyer username.
- lead_id: A unique numeric identifier for the lead id.
- product_name: The product name.
- product_id: A unique numeric identifier for the Kartra product.
- product_price_point: The product price point of the transaction.
- transaction_quantity: The product quantity.
- transaction_full_amount: The final paid amount on this specific transaction.
- transaction_base_amount: The base price for the transaction.
- transaction_discount: If any discount coupon was applied, the amount in dollars deducted from the original price.
- transaction_tax: The amount of sales tax or VAT.
- transaction_shipping: The shipping cost
- transaction_affiliate: The username of the affiliate (empty if no affiliate).
- transaction_jv: The username of the jv broker (empty if no jv).
- transaction_date: The date of the transaction (Y-m-d H:i:s).
- transaction_type: refund or partial_refund
- transaction_parent_id: The actual order ID of the original transaction that is being refunded or charged-back.
- transaction_subscription_id: A unique identifier for the subscription id (PayPal transactions will return PayPal subscription id. If there is no recurring payments this will be 0).
- transaction_internal_subscription_id: A unique numeric identifier for the subscription id(if there is no recurring payments this will be 0).
- transaction_subscription_pay_number: The number of payment within this rebill sequence: 1st installment, 2nd installment, etc. In this case, it will always be the 1st installment.
- transaction_last_4_card_digits: The last 4 digits of the used card (‘N/A’ if PayPal)
- original_id: In case of a payment subscription, the order ID of the first transaction within the subscription.
- lead_country: The buyer country.
- lead_country_code_2: The buyer two letter country code.
- lead_country_code_3: The buyer three letter country code.
- lead_state: The buyer state.
- lead_phone_country_code: The buyer phone country code.
- lead_phone_number: The buyer phone number.
- lead_address: The buyer address.
- lead_city: The buyer city.
- lead_zip: The buyer zip code.
- lead_ip: The buyer ip.
- vendor_tracking_id_1: Vendor’s tracking ID 1 if the sale was generated from a tracking link.
- vendor_tracking_id_2: Vendor’s tracking ID 2 if the sale was generated from a tracking link.
- vendor_tracking_link: Vendor’s tracking link name.
- shipping_first_name: Buyer’s shipping first name.
- shipping_last_name: Buyer’s shipping last name.
- shipping_address: Buyer’s shipping address.
- shipping_city: Buyer’s shipping city.
- shipping_zip: Buyer’s shipping ZIP
- shipping_country: Buyer’s shipping country
- shipping_state: Buyer’s shipping state
- gdpr_lead_status: The lead's GDPR status, possible values:
- 0 - For GDPR status off - Your account has GDPR deactivated
- 1 - For GDPR status not subject - The lead's IP is from a country not subject to GDPR
- 2 - For GDPR status accepted - The lead has accepted the GDPR terms
- 3 - For GDPR status not accepted - The lead hasn't accepted the GDPR terms
- 4 - For GDPR status unknown - The lead's location could not be determined
- 5 - For GDPR status pending
- gdpr_lead_status_date: The date of the last GDPR status change
- gdpr_lead_status_ip: The IP of the last GDPR status change
- gdpr_lead_communications:
- 0 - if the user has agreed to be contacted,
- 1 - if not
- payment_processor_type: The payment processor type: "PayPal", "Braintree", "Stripe", "Authorize.net"