Use Calendars to offer appointment and event scheduling to your clients and prospects.

Kartra Calendars give you the option to offer meetings and appointments as your product:

  • Charge a fee for the booking or let people sign up for free
  • Integrate with Google Meet or Zoom to add virtual meeting room links to your appointments
  • Registrants can log in and manage or review all appointments booked with you
  • Specify a minimum booking notice to prevent people from signing up at the last minute
  • Block out specific dates or whole months when you are on vacation or holiday

How to choose a Kartra calendar model

Go to Calendars to create or edit appointment booking calendars.

When you create a new calendar, the first step is to choose a scheduling model.

Appointments for one person

  • Use the consultant or recurring class models

Group sessions

  • Use the gym or live event models

Once you have chosen a model, classes are used to define separate offers or services within each calendar. This lets you separate appointments based on differences in subject matter, hosts, sign-up fees, etc.

Consultant model

Consultant booking calendar

Example above shows 1-on-1 support calls with your coaching staff, to be booked as needed


  • 1 registrant per booking time
  • Set the length of each session and the days and times you are available
    • For example, if you offer appointments every morning during the work week, you can create three one-hour time slots Mon-Fri that start at 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am respectively.
  • Specify the number of sessions per series and how often they will reoccur if there is more than one.

Best used for appointments like:

  • 1-on-1 consultant or coaching sessions
  • 1-on-1 member meetings
  • On-demand support assistance

Recurrent class model

Recurrent class booking calendar

Example above shows an appointment that reoccurs every fourth week


  • 1 registrant per booking time
  • Set the length of each session and the days and times you are available
  • Sessions repeat until canceled, every 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks

Best used for appointments like:

  • Weekly consultation sessions
  • 1-on-1 personal training or counseling
  • 1-on-1 lessons

Gym model

Gym model booking calendar

Example above shows a one-hour fitness meet-up that happens three days every week


  • Multiple registrants per class (up to a maximum you define)
  • Set the start time and duration, with multiple sessions per day possible
  • Session series can repeat every 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks 

Best used for classes or meetings like:

  • Group fitness training sessions
  • Language learning classes
  • Sports training programs
  • Team coaching calls

Live event model

Live event booking calendar

Example above shows a three-day virtual summit with multiple session times


  • Multiple registrants per event (up to a maximum you define)
  • Set the calendar date, start time, and duration
  • Customize the confirmation message and reminders to send the address and other information about the event to each registrant by email

Best used for events like:

  • Conferences, seminars, and workshops
  • Live event and concert tickets
  • Meetings and networking events