Save your work often to protect your time and ideas! Best practice for any content creation is to save your work manually at regular intervals.

Manual save and publish

A manual save is also called a “hard save.” It forces a save command to the database where your account is hosted.

To save a page, click Actions in the top right corner of the page builder:

  • To save changes without publishing, click Save progress
  • To save and publish the page live, click Publish live
  • To save as a reusable template, click Save as template
  • Click Return to Dashboard to exit the page builder. If you did not save the page, your changes may be lost.

Pro tip

Using Save progress saves your work privately to your account. It does not automatically publish it for live visitors.

  • If you are editing a page that is already live online, you must republish it using the Publish live menu action. Once the page is republished, you will see your changes when you visit the page URL.
  • If you have created a new page, you must Publish live to get a page URL.


The auto-save function is a useful backup in situations where you experience a sudden loss of power or internet. Auto-save is turned OFF by default and must be manually enabled in each page where you want to use it.

To enable Auto-save, open a page in the page builder:

  • Click the Auto-save toggle to turn it on
    Auto-save on toggle
  • Once on, the page will be automatically saved every 20 seconds