Important: Your page must be assigned to a Site before you can import or export global elements.

Global site elements can be deployed in two places:

  1. Import ALL site elements when you launch a page, either new or existing
  2. Import or export all or some site elements from the page settings

Importing site elements

  1. Create or open a page
  2. To import ALL site elements, click the toggle on the page launch screen, OR
  3. In the page builder, click Sites in the left side menu. If the page is not assigned to a site, select one from the drop-down menu and click Assign.
    • Click Import from Site
    • Toggle ON some or all elements (all components you want to import)
    • Click Apply, then Proceed to complete the import

      Select the site elements you want to import

Note: The import will overwrite the corresponding components already in the page. For example, if you already have a header menu section in the page, it will be replaced with the imported header.

Exporting site elements

  1. Create or open a page
  2. In the left-side menu of the page builder, click Sites.
    • If the page is not assigned to a site, select one from the drop-down menu and click Assign.
  3. In the Export to Site panel:
    • Click the toggle next to each element you want to export to the rest of the pages in the site. 
    • Use the dropdown menu to select whether to Apply changes to all pages in the site, or select specific pages. You can select more than one.
  4. Click Apply to complete.

Note: If you toggle an element to Export to Site that does not exist in the page you are exporting from, the destination page(s) will not be changed.