When GDPR is turned on in your account, people visiting your content will see a banner at the bottom of each page, letting them choose between accepting all cookies or only essential ones. This choice affects what kind of data Kartra stores about each person.

Essential cookies

  • Affiliate and JV: Contains referral tracking data to make sure affiliate sales and JV referrals are always attributed correctly.
  • Login: Keeps a user logged in when they access password-protected Kartra content, such as memberships, helpdesks, calendar bookings, etc.
  • Split test: Remembers the version of a page the user landed on, so they will always see that version.
  • Kartra unique identifier: Created when someone lands on a page containing a Kartra asset, such as a Kartra-hosted page or external page with an embedded form. The unique identifier cookie collects data about a visitor and passes it to Kartra’s servers to create additional preference and tracking cookies and update a known lead's profile.
    • GDPR: Remembers data consent provided by a user, such as their choice to accept all or only essential cookies on your site.
    • Language: Remembers a user’s language preferences where applicable.
    • Time zone: Remembers a user’s time zone preference, selected in places like a calendar booking form or webinar registration.
    • Tracking: Stores information about a visitor’s engagement with your assets, such as clicks, views, and page visits. If only essential cookies are accepted, activity will be tracked but will only be associated with a lead if the person previously accepted GDPR terms in a Kartra form.
    • Profile: Remembers a user’s contact details to provide form auto-fill where applicable. If only essential cookies are accepted, the information will not be saved.

Optional cookies

  • Product visits: Differentiates between a new or returning visitor to a product.
  • Helpdesk wiki tracking: Remembers when a visitor rates a wiki article and prevents them from spamming the same response.
  • Video page comments: Remembers when a user comments on a video page to allow them to edit it.