This guide explains how your customers can access and use the self-service billing tools for Kartra Products. Before they can use these features, you must first activate self-service billing.

How your customers log in

The link to access the self-service billing portal depends on whether you are using a Kartra Helpdesk or a self billing portal.

Find the link for each type of billing portal in your account:

To log in, your customers need two things:

  • The Order ID for any payment made to you.
  • The email address used during the purchase.

The Order ID can be found in the top-right corner of a payment invoice sent by Kartra, or in the purchase confirmation email (if it contains the {order_id} parameter).

Providing support

If a customer struggles to log in, you can help by retrieving their Order ID and email address from their lead profile:

  1. Go to Leads in your Kartra account
  2. Select the Orders tab to find the purchase they want to manage
  3. If the purchase doesn’t appear, the customer may have used a different email at checkout.
  4. Copy the Order ID and email address from the profile; both must come from the same lead.

Review purchase and payment history

Inside the billing portal, your customers will see a separate module for each purchase they’ve made. Each module represents either a one-time purchase or a subscription with recurring payments.

  • One-time payments: Shown as a single line item with no upcoming payments.
  • Recurring subscriptions: Displayed with all past payments and the next scheduled or cancelation date.

Customers can click Show details to view the full payment history for each purchase.

My Orders billing tools in a Kartra helpdesk

Each module includes buttons in the product title bar and the Actions column that let customers manage their purchases and payments. Actions may include:

  • Download an invoice for any completed payment
  • Cancel a subscription (if enabled in your settings)
  • Request a refund (if still within the refund window and enabled)
  • Update billing address for future invoices
  • Update credit card for future payments

Download an invoice

Your customer can download an invoice in PDF format:

  1. Click the down arrow in the Actions column next to a payment
  2. The PDF will download automatically

Providing support

  • Depending on the customer’s browser settings, the invoice may automatically save to their Downloads folder or prompt them to choose a location on their computer.
  • If the customer has trouble locating the file, it will be named invoice.pdf for easier searching.

Cancel or request cancelation

If cancelation is enabled, your customers can request to cancel recurring subscriptions.

How to cancel a subscription:

  1. Click the X icon next to the next scheduled payment
  2. Confirm the cancelation
    1. Automatic Processing: The cancelation is processed immediately, based on the price point settings (instant vs. delayed cancelation).
    2. Manual Processing: A ticket is created in your Kartra Helpdesk, directed to the department set in the self-billing settings.

Providing support

If cancelation is by request, you'll need to manually review and process each ticket based on your terms or policy. Be sure to respond to the ticket to update your customer and confirm the cancelation.

If self-service cancelation is fully disabled, the X icon won’t appear in the billing actions for your customer. You can still handle cancelations manually as needed.

Refund or request a refund

If refunds are enabled, customers can request refunds for payments still within the refund period.

How to request a refund:

  1. Click the refund icon next to a payment
  2. Confirm the refund request.
    • Automatic Processing: Refunds happen immediately (Note: partial refunds cannot be handled automatically).
    • Manual Processing: A ticket is created in your Kartra Helpdesk, directed to the department set in the self-billing settings.

Providing support

If refunds are by request, you’ll need to manually review each ticket and process refunds according to your terms or policy. Be sure to respond to the ticket to update your customer on the final result.

If self-service refunds are fully disabled, the refund icon won’t appear in the billing actions for customers. You can still handle full or partial refunds manually as needed.

Update an invoice billing address

Customers can update their bill-to address for future invoices in a recurring subscription.

How to update billing address:

  1. Click the map pin icon in the product title bar
  2. Enter the new billing address and click Submit
  3. A confirmation message is displayed

Note: This update applies to future invoices only. The new address provided will appear in the “Bill to” section of the customer’s next billing statement.

Update a subscription payment method

Customers can change their credit card for future payments in a recurring subscription.

How to update credit card details:

  1. Click the credit card icon in the product title bar
  2. If the card you want to use is already saved, select it from the list.
    • Click the checkmark to set the card as the new default.
  3. To remove a card, click the X icon to delete it. At least one card must remain on file for any active subscription.
  4. To add a new card, click the pencil icon.
    • Enter the new credit card details, and click Submit to save.

Note: Credit card details are encrypted and securely stored by the payment processor. Only the last four digits of the card are displayed for reference. Updating the credit card address does not update the bill-to address shown on payment invoices.

PayPal purchases cannot have payment methods updated in Kartra. Customers must go to “Manage automatic payments” in their PayPal account.