Filter your data to take a closer look at a time frame, a specific UTM parameter, or both.

To start an analysis, go to Funnels in your account:

  1. Go to Funnels, then Analytics
  2. Select the Funnel you want to analyze from the Select funnel… dropdown menu
    Select Funnel dropdown menu
  3. Look for the Filters pane at the top-right of the funnel canvas
    Date Range in filters example
  4. Enter a date range to filter by date
  5. Enter a UTM key and value and click the Plus button to add it to the filter
  6. Add any additional UTM values you want to include
  7. Click Apply filters to refresh the page and view the filtered data

Pro tip

  • Use filters to take a look at the performance of one specific ad campaign (filter by UTM) or a time-limited launch period (filter by date).