List a custom campaign design in the Campaign Marketplace to share with other Kartra users. Campaigns can be listed for free or for purchase.

You will need

  • A complete set of campaign assets, fully configured and available in your account
  • Ownership of any intellectual property you intend to share
  • A distribution method:
    • If you want to allow free downloads, create an opt-in form
    • If you want to sell the campaign, create a product checkout
  • A description of the campaign to explain its function and purpose to potential buyers. Think of this as your “sales pitch.”
  • Usage instructions to help users understand how to use your campaign (Optional)
  • A visual funnel map of the campaign (Optional)

Configure the details of your listing in the Campaign setup wizard:

  1. Go to Campaigns > My Campaigns
  2. Choose an existing campaign or create a new one
  3. Follow the configuration wizard until you reach the Marketplace step
    • Note: Select Configure later at any section to stop and finish it later. Unconfigured sections are marked with a red hourglass icon and must be completed before you can list the campaign.

Configure the campaign: Marketplace step


Campaigns must pass a quality and compliance review before they are published in the Marketplace. When a campaign is submitted, it enters Pending status. When the review is complete, you will receive an email notifying you of the result.


Choose a category for the marketplace listing

Enable marketplace listing and choose a category for your campaign.

  1. Select Yes, list it on the Marketplace
  2. Choose the category and a subcategory for your campaign listing:

If you have created an entire marketing campaigns with automated sequences, automations, tagging rules, etc.

Membership templates
If you have created a membership layout with categories, posts, content, etc.

Single page templates
If you have created a set of pages stringed in a sequential flow. Usually a funnel bundles together not only the pages themselves, but also the elements that connect them together: checkouts, thank you emails, etc.

  1. Save the Marketplace module to access more configuration steps.

Free or Paid

Choose whether to offer the campaign for free with an opt-in or for a purchase.

  • Click Free to offer the campaign at no cost
    Select the pre-configured campaign opt-in form from the dropdown menu
  • Click Paid to sell the campaign
    Select the pre-configured campaign product and price point from the dropdown menus

Kartra automatically sends a share code to users who complete the opt-in form (if free) or product checkout (if paid). The share code is used to deploy a copy of the campaign in another Kartra account.

User-locked share code

  • Toggle ON to generate a unique share code for every user that requests the campaign. This code can only be used once.
  • Toggle OFF to send a share code that can be used many times by many different users.

Save the Free or Paid module.

Pitch your campaign

Design a sales page to provide details about your campaign in the marketplace. The pitch is a required component of your campaign listing and will be reviewed as part of the approval process.

Click Launch builder to begin.

  1. Use the modular page builder to design the content
  2. Add text, images, and video to explain your campaign’s purpose and value
  3. Click Save progress to close the builder

Save the Pitch your campaign module.

Campaign keywords

Add keywords to the campaign to help people find it. Keywords are included in search results.

Pro tips:

  • Maximum keywords per listing: 5
  • Maximum characters per keyword: 35
  • Special characters are not allowed, except: space, ampersand, and hyphen

Save the Campaign keywords module.

Share visual map

Attach a visual funnel map to help users understand the campaign’s design and function.

  • Share a visual map
    Select the map of your campaign from the dropdown menu.
  • Share a visual map and simulation
    Select the map of your campaign and a pre-configured simulation from the dropdown menus. Choose this option to share a visualization of the campaign and a simulation of its potential.
  • Select Keep it private to skip adding a visual map.

Save the Share visual map module

Campaign usage instructions

Create a step-by-step guide that explains how to customize and use each part of the campaign. This content is added to any account where the campaign is deployed, helping the end-user navigate and customize the assets you created.

Tip: Plan your guide in a separate document before adding it to the campaign wizard. Steps can not be reordered after being added.

Add usage instruction steps to your campaign

Click Add instruction step to create the first step

  1. Add a title and description
  2. Add a tutorial video from your media library (Optional)
  3. Link to the asset section that corresponds to the stepin Kartra
    1. Adds a button to the instructions linking to the Kartra section where the user will find the related deployed asset. For example, if the instruction is to customize the checkout pricing, link to Products.
      A button link takes the reader to the section in their account
  4. Click Save in the top right to add the step
  5. Repeat this process until the guide is complete

Save the Campaign usage instructions module.

Send the campaign share code

  1. Choose the email sender and gateway for the email that will deliver the campaign
  2. Save the module to continue and design the delivery email

Share code email


The email message must include the dynamic variable {campaign_code}. When the message is delivered, the variable will be replaced with the share code needed to import the campaign. Without this variable, the recipient will not be able to access the campaign.

  1. Design the email in Rich Text or HTML
  2. Add additional dynamic variables to customize the message to the recipient
  3. Send yourself a test email to check the design

Save the Share code email module.

Almost done!

Click Save and Next to complete the campaign configuration wizard. The campaign is automatically submitted for review upon completion.