For comprehensive payment troubleshooting, access is needed for the seller Kartra account and the integrated payment processor account.

Basic troubleshooting

Use basic troubleshooting in situations where only one or a few people are not able to complete their payments.

Many payment errors can be resolved with basic troubleshooting performed by your customer.

If the Continue button on the checkout is not active, your customer should:

  • Make sure all mandatory fields are completed (noted with a red asterisk).

If a new purchase can not be completed, your customer should:

  • Check to make sure all information entered in the checkout form is correct.
    • Pro tip: Browser add-ons that automatically fill in information make it easy to overlook mistakes.
  • Clear the browser cache and cookies.
  • Try the purchase from a different browser.
  • Try the purchase from a different device.
  • Contact the credit card issuer to confirm that the charge is authorized.

If a recurring payment has failed to process, your customer should:

  • Check to make sure the credit card on file is still valid.
  • Check to make sure the credit limit will allow the charge.
  • Contact the credit card issuer to confirm the status of the charge. If it was blocked, a representative may be able to clear the block.
  • Update the payment method to a new credit card.
    • Pro tip: If the payment is attempting to process through PayPal, the payment source cannot be changed in the Kartra interface. The customer must log in to their PayPal account and update the funding source associated with your product.

Seller action: Check the processor records

  • Log in to the payment processor that is integrated with the product your customer is trying to buy.
  • Check the activity log for any additional information that may have been captured by the processor.

Advanced troubleshooting

Check your Product configuration and Payment Processor integration(s) if all payments fail to process.

Go to Products and review your product configuration.

Error: Product configuration incomplete.

Product configuration incomplete error

  • Reason: A configuration module in the wizard was not saved or was marked Configure later.
  • Solution: Open the product for editing. Finish and save all modules to complete the configuration.

Pro tip

Follow the red hourglass icons in the configuration wizard to find the module that needs to be completed and saved.

Basic info section incomplete in product wizard

If your product configuration is complete, check your Payment processor integration.

Go to Integrations and filter to show Payment connections

  1. Check the configuration of the integration connected to the failing product to make sure it matches the details in your processor account. These will be different depending on the service you are using.
  2. When you have confirmed that your integration is correct, double-check your product.
    • The correct processor must be selected and saved at the Basic Info step of the product configuration.

Stripe Integration Example

Of these three Stripe connections, only one can process payments successfully.

Stripe integration examples

  1. Correct = Key begins with "sk_live." A live Stripe key is needed to process live payments.
  2. Incorrect = Key begins with "sk_test." Test Stripe keys are used to test your account’s connection with Stripe. It cannot process real payments.
  3. Incorrect = Placeholder text in the integration configuration cannot communicate with Stripe at all.