Integration via API is in the process of being deprecated. After July 11, 2024, a new integration process will be available to all users on a rolling basis. See Payments: Stripe for setup instructions.

Stripe is a payment processor that can provide secure credit card processing for your Kartra checkout forms.

How to integrate Stripe with Kartra

You will need a Stripe account to complete this guide. Visit Stripe's website to create an account.

Get Stripe API keys

  1. Log in to your Stripe account
    • If needed, activate your account. Accounts in test mode cannot process real credit card transactions.
  2. Go to Developers > API keys

    Locate the publishable and secret keys in your Stripe account
  3. Locate the Publishable key and the Secret key
    • Keep this window open. You will need to copy and paste these values into Kartra to complete the integration.

Create Kartra integration

  1. Go to Integrations
    • Tip: Use the drop-down menu in the top right to filter by Payment integrations or search for Stripe.
  2. Click the three dots to open the menu on any Stripe tile and select + Create integration
    • A green checkmark on the integration tile means at least one integration is already active for the service. You can add more than one.
  3. In the New payment gateway window, enter the Publishable key and the Secret key from your Stripe account.

    Enter Stripe API keys to integrate with Kartra
    • Double-check to ensure that each key is entered in the matching field.
  4. Click Create to save the configuration
    • The next screen prompts you to add a Kartra URL for Stripe’s instant payment notification (IPN) service. Do this by adding a Webhook endpoint to Stripe (see next section in this guide).

Add a Kartra endpoint to Stripe

Adding a Kartra endpoint to your Stripe account creates a conversation between the two systems. The endpoint is configured to “listen to” things that happen in Stripe (such as a successful or failed payment) so it can tell Kartra about them. This allows Kartra to show transaction records for events that happen in Stripe.

Add Stripe webhook

  1. In Developers > Webhooks, click Add an endpoint

    Add an endpoint and listen to events to Stripe
  2. In the Endpoint URL field, enter
  3. Under Listen to:
    1. Select Events on your account
    2. Click + Select events
    3. Tick Select all events, then click Add events
  4. Click Add endpoint to save