If an agreement established through Kartra Agency ends, you can terminate the connection and revoke account access for the other party.

In all cases, terminating an Agency agreement returns the account and its contents to the sole control of the account owner.

Ownership is determined by subscription billing: if you pay Kartra for the account's subscription, you own it.

The steps needed to terminate an Agency agreement differ depending on who owns the account and whether you are the agency owner or the client. Read the section relevant to your role below.

If you are the agency Owner

Go to your Agency dashboard and locate the account associated with the agreement you want to terminate.

Log in to an agency-owned account

Accounts owned by your agency display the subscription and billing details (shown in the previous image).

  1. Click the Login button on the account module
  2. In the account:
    • Go to Team members and remove any login profiles created for your client
    • Go to the account Billing area and cancel or freeze the subscription as needed
    • Recommended: Go to Integrations and delete any connections with third-party service accounts owned by your client. Some conditions must be met when deleting a payment integration.

An agency-owned account cannot be disconnected from the agency to transfer ownership to the client.

Accounts owned by your clients have a Self-managed label on them.

  • Click the Terminate contract link on the account module to remove the connection between the account and your agency.
  • Your client will receive an email notifying them that the agreement was terminated.

If you are an agency Client

If you own the account

When you accept a connection request and link your account to a Kartra Agency, a team member profile is created in your account to give the agency owner access to your content.

Terminate the connection and remove the agency's access:

Terminate an agency agreement as the client

  1. Log in to your account and go to Team members
  2. Select the Agency tab in the top right corner of the main page content
    • The agency's access profile appears in the table with an "Active" status.
  3. Click the red X to terminate the contract and revoke the agency's access to your account
    • The owner of the agency will receive an email notifying them that the agreement was terminated.

If you do not own the account

If you are paying an agency for a service that includes a Kartra account and do not pay for your own Kartra subscription, your account is most likely owned by the agency.

In this case, contact the person contracted to provide the service to cancel your agreement. If you do not own the account, you cannot manage access or billing in the account.