Goal: Deploy a copy of the Simple List Builder campaign assets to your account.

Locate and deploy the campaign:

  1. In Kartra, go to Campaigns > Available campaigns
  2. Use the search in the top right to look for Simple List Builder
  3. Click the Deploy campaign button on the asset tile
  4. Add a unique prefix for the deployment. This is added to the name of every asset deployed by the campaign, so you can always tell which set an asset belongs to. (This is very helpful if you use the same campaign template more than once!)
  5. Click Next, then wait a few minutes while the assets are created in your account. 

When the deployment is complete, you will have new copies of each Simple List Builder asset in your account. The assets are pre-linked and configured and are ready for you to customize.

In Communications:

  • Leads > Lists > PREFIX List Builder Optins
  • Leads > Tags > PREFIX Simple List Builder Optin
  • Leads > Tags > Categories > Simple List Builder
  • Communications > Sequences > PREFIX Simple List Builder

In Pages:

  • Category > Simple List Builder
  • PREFIX 1a. Simple LB Optin with Image
  • PREFIX 1b. Simple LB Image 2-Step
  • PREFIX 1c. Simple LB Text 2-Step Optin
  • PREFIX 2. Simple List Builder Optin TY

In Forms:

  • PREFIX Simple List Builder Form