When you click the button to log in after entering the email address and password for your Kartra account, you will be prompted to enter a one-time passcode to complete the login. Find the code in your email inbox or an app on your phone, depending on which option is enabled for your account.

To log in, go to https://app.kartra.com

  1. Enter your account email address and password
  2. The next screen asks for a one-time passcodeto verify your identity. The location of the code depends on which authentication method is active for your account.
    • If mobile MFA is enabled, open the authenticator app connected to your Kartra account
      • If you have multiple Kartra accounts connected to the app, a unique code will appear for each one. Copy the code for the account you are logging in to.
    • If email MFA is enabled, go to the inbox for the email address you use to log in to Kartra
      • Look for a message from notifications@kartra.com with the subject, "Your authentication code." Copy the code from the email.
      • The passcode is valid for 5 minutes from the time of sending. If multiple codes are requested, only the most recent will be valid.
  3. On the Kartra login screen, enter the six-digit passcode
    • If desired, tick “Remember this device for 30 days.” Choosing this option allows you to skip the authentication process for 30 days from this browser.
  4. Click Log in


  • Never select “Remember this device” when accessing your account from a device you don’t own.
  • After 30 days, you will be prompted to log in with an authentication passcode again.
  • If you clear your browser cookies, use a different browser, or use a different device to log in, Kartra will see you as an unknown user. You will be prompted to provide an authentication code, regardless of how long it’s been since your last log in.

MFA login troubleshooting

How do I know which type of MFA is enabled for my account?

If you are in your account, go to your profile to see which security factors are turned on for your account. You might have only email or mobile app, or you could have both turned on. One factor must be enabled at all times.

If you can't access your account, the login screens tell you where to look for a passcode. The location of the passcode tells you which authentication option is turned on.

  • If mobile app is active, the screen will tell you to check your authenticator app for the code.
  • If email is active, the screen will show a masked version of your email address and tell you that the code was sent to your email.

If both methods are active, you will be asked to provide a code from your mobile app first. If you prefer to get a code from your email, click "Try another method" below the login button. Select "Email" under "Other Methods" to request a code to your email address.

I didn't receive an email with a passcode

Recommended: Add notifications@kartra.com as a safe sender in your email inbox.

If you're not sure how to do this, run an internet search for "Add an email address as a safe sender in (your email provider)" and follow the instructions provided by your email service.

If you did not receive an email, please check the following:

  • First, confirm that email MFA enabled for your account. If the login screen tells you to check your authenticator app for a passcode, an email was not sent. Your account is secured using the mobile app MFA and the login passcode will appear in your authenticator app.
  • If email MFA is active, the message may have been sent to a junk folder or similar. Check spam, promotions, or any other place in your inbox where the message may have been filtered. Search for a message from notifications@kartra.com with the subject Your authentication code.

The code in my email is invalid

An MFA code sent to your email is valid for 5 minutes, starting from the time it was sent to you. Each new code invalidates any previous code that were sent to you. Only the most recent code will work.

If you see an "Invalid code" error when entering a passcode from your authentication email, the code has probably expired. The login passcode is only valid for a short time to protect the security of your account.

Please try any of the following:

  • Start the login process again or click "Resend" to generate a new email if you're still on the login screen. Check to make sure you are looking at the most recent authentication email before copying the code. Only the most recent code will work. Copy and paste the code into the login screen.
  • If the email took a long time to arrive in your inbox, the code may have expired before you received it. If you are using a program like Outlook or Apple Mail to process your email, the message may be delayed by the program's processing time. To avoid any delay, try logging in to your email account from your browser. 
    • For example, if you have a gmail email address that you normally use Apple Mail to manage, go to gmail.com to login directly.

How do I disable MFA for my account?

Multi-factor authentication is required for all Kartra accounts. You must have either email or mobile app enabled at all times to protect your account.

If both factors are enabled and you only want to use one, go to your account Profile. Click the Disable button for the method you no longer want to use.

Disable an authentication factor

Pro tip: If you are disabling the mobile app option, remember to also delete the entry from your authenticator app. Any codes generated by the app for your account will no longer work, even if you enable mobile app authentication again later. Re-enabling mobile authentication will prompt you to start the linking process again using a new QR code scan.

My team member uses my login credentials. How can they get the login code?

Sharing login credentials can put your account and business at risk and is never recommended.

If you need to give someone else access to work in your account, you can create a Team member login profile for them. As a team member, they can set up MFA security to receive a code to their own email address or mobile device.

Need help logging in?

  • Click the blue “Can't login?” bubble in the bottom right corner of the login screen to use the Kartra Login Helper and send a request to our team.