Real-time funnel analytics display data in four ways:

  1. The Funnel analytics panel shows overall conversion data.
  2. A traffic data popover panel details traffic for each individual component.
  3. An engagement total underneath each funnel component shows either the number of visits (Assets) or the number of conversions (Actions).
  4. A conversion rate between assets shows how traffic progresses through the funnel.

Funnel Analytics

The analytics panel on the right side of the screen displays conversion data from all assets on the map:

Example of the funnel analytics data display


  • Total form submissions


  • Total calendar bookings


  • Total survey submissions

Purchase value

  • Total purchase revenue

Number of Purchases

  • Total unique purchase actions

Asset Analytics

Page, Video, Calendar, and Survey assets in the funnel flow display visit data:

  • Number of unique visits: visible in the traffic popover and below the asset
  • Number of total visits: visible in the traffic popover
  • Unique and total visits by UTM parameters: visible in the traffic popover

Individual email, Sequence of emails, Popup, Membership portal, and Support Helpdesk assets do not display any analytics data.

Traceable Action Analytics

Traceable action components track and display data based on the number of visits (the location where a user in the funnel makes a decision to complete a form or buy a product, etc.) and the number of conversions (form submissions, purchases, etc.).


  • Total purchase value: visible in the canvas
  • Number of purchases: visible in the traffic popover
  • Unique and total checkout visits by UTM parameters: visible in the traffic popover

Form registration

  • Number of form submissions: visible in the canvas and in the traffic popover
  • Unique and total form visits by UTM parameters: visible in the traffic popover


  • Number of calendar appointments requested: visible in the canvas and in the traffic popover
  • Unique and total calendar visits by UTM parameters: visible in the traffic popover


  • Number of survey submissions: visible in the canvas and in the traffic popover
  • Unique and total survey visits by UTM parameters: visible in the traffic popover

Traffic Source Analytics

Traffic source data indicatorTraffic source data is displayed below the traffic component as a number next to a person icon. The number shown is the total unique visits/clicks on the tracking link.

Example of a Traffic Source Label

  • Important: Traffic sources must be configured using UTM parameters. Based on the UTM configuration, the number of unique visits (people) on the destination page is calculated and shown under the traffic box as incoming “clicks.”
  • Caution: If the traffic component is not linked to its correct destination page (the one that the UTM link takes traffic to), the traffic source will not show ANY visits. The destination page must be in the funnel and linked to the traffic component with the related UTMs.

Conversion Analytics

Example of Conversion Analytics

Conversion tracking appears between every two connected components in the funnel map. This data shows the same information presented in two formats:

  1. The percentage of people that started on the source page and reached the destination page (left to right).
  2. The number of people that moved from the first asset to the next (left to right).
  3. Movement happens when a person clicks a link or submits a form (a checkout, survey, opt-in, or calendar) and is redirected to a destination page. 
  4. Visits or actions within the funnel are assigned a source reference so the system can detect where the person came from and where they go. The source can be a Kartra asset or an external page with an embedded funnel tracking code.
  5. Exception: If a visit is logged on a funnel asset from an outside source or direct link, no source analytics will be shown.

Troubleshooting real-time analytics

If the number of clicks through all traffic sources does not add up to the number of visits you see in your asset traffic:

  • You may have added shared assets in the flow that are showing traffic through sources not defined in the current funnel design. For example, if a final thank-you page is used as the last step of multiple funnels in your account. To see a specific dataset, use the filter options to narrow the view by UTM traffic parameters.

If you have two connected assets that both show traffic but the connection between them shows no conversions:

  • Check to make sure that the live assets are related to each other. For example, a published opt-in page has an opt-in form on it. In your funnel, connect the page and form as funnel elements to see how many form submissions came from that page. The action step in the funnel must be linked to its live source asset.