Thank your new contacts for their opt-in by automatically sending a follow-up email with a welcome gift.

Choose the option you prefer to send a follow-up when someone signs up to join your mailing list.

Add a welcome email to a form

  1. Go to Forms
  2. Edit or create a new form
  3. Go to the Welcome step and set to Send an email
  4. Create your message in the composer and add the freebie you want to send
  5. Save and complete the form

Any time someone submits their email address through the form, they will receive the welcome email with your gift.

Send a follow-up with a sequence email

  1. Go to Sequences
  2. Edit or create a new sequence
  3. Add a starting rule based on opt-in
  4. Add an email step to the sequence flow
  5. At the Content step, create your message and add the bonus gift
  6. Finish and activate the step, then connect it to the starting rule module
  7. Complete the sequence and Save it

Anyone who completes the form defined in the sequence starting rule will receive the email. 

If you want to create more ways for people to get a sign-up email and gift, the sequence follow-up method gives you more flexibility with the distribution. Subscribe people to the same sequence based on actions other than the opt-in: with automation, additional starting rules, or manually.