Create tracking links to get more detailed engagement analytics from pages, emails, and anywhere else you have links bringing traffic to your landing pages and sites.

A tracking link is a special kind of web link that helps you see how many people click on it. Think of it like a digital trail of breadcrumbs. When someone clicks on a tracking link, it records that click and sends information about it back to you. This information can include details like the time of the click, where the click came from, and even information about the person who clicked it.

For example, if you send a tracking link in an email to promote a sale, you can see how many people were interested enough to click on the link and visit your sale page and who they were. This helps you understand how well your email or advertisement is working.

Track link clicks in Kartra

To create tracking links, go to Products > Products > Tracking. Select Link tracking from the tabs in the top right.

  1. Click the add Track link button in the bottom right
  2. Add a name and category for the link
  3. Select the type of destination where you want the link to lead:
    • External link outside Kartra
    • A Kartra product sales page
    • Any Kartra-hosted page

Select a destination for the tracking link

  1. Choose whether you will send everyone to the same place or split the traffic based on whether the person clicking has or does not have a tag.
    • Select Those with/without a tag to configure the tag and choose a destination for everyone else.

Important: Splitting traffic based on a tag is dependent on browser cookies. A cookie is used to help Kartra see whether the person clicking is already a lead in your account and if they have the tag you define here.

If the person who clicks has cookies turned off in their browser or cannot be identified as a known lead, they will be split to the “everyone else” destination.

  1. Choose whether to track clicks only or track clicks and goals.
    • There are three types of goals available: opt-ins, page visits, and purchases.
  2. Choose whether to assign a tag to people who click this link
  3. Choose whether to add dynamic tracking IDs to the link

A tracking link is generated and shown on the final screen of the setup wizard. Copy it and place it where you want to track clicks.

Pro tip

There are lots of reasons to use tracking links! Some common uses include:

To differentiate between clicks on multiple links in the same email. For example:

  • To test whether text or button links are most effective
  • To see which news item is most enticing when you send an email with multiple excerpts with a prompt to click through

To differentiate between clicks from multiple links on the same page or for the same offer. For example:

  • To understand whether a banner image or sidebar image gets more attention
  • To understand which version or placement of a call to action gets the most clicks

Check analytics or copy the link later

To see how your link is performing or if you need to copy it again in the future, go back to the  Products > Products > Tracking.

See link performance in the analytics table

  1. Review engagement data in the analytics table
  2. Click the link icon in the Action column to copy the link
  3. Use the other actions to clone, edit, or delete the link if needed