Add or update a tax identification number for your invoicing in your account Profile.

Add a tax ID to the business details in your profile

Under Business details:

  1. In the Company field, add the name of your business
  2. Under Business, tick the box "I am a registered business with a Tax ID"
  3. A Tax ID field appears. Enter any registered tax ID number in this universal field. (VAT, GST, TIN, etc.)
  4. Save your changes in the top right corner of the page. Answer your Security question to authorize the profile update.

Note: The company name and tax identification number entered here are also automatically included in the seller details (your business) on all payment invoices generated for the customers who buy products from your Kartra account.

VAT Numbers

If your Kartra subscription payments would otherwise be subject to VAT/GST, enter a valid identification number here to suppress the tax (if applicable).

The value entered must match the expected format for a VAT identification number. If validation of the entry is not successful, the error Invalid Tax ID will appear. Please check your entry and try again.