Check your plan

Affiliate management is included with Kartra Growth, Professional, and Enterprise plans. Review or change your subscription in your account Billing.

Affiliate marketing is a type of promotion where partners (affiliates) advertise products sold by one or more businesses and refer customers through a tracking link or promotional code. The business then pays the affiliate for their referrals on a pre-defined commission basis.

Use Kartra’s affiliate management tools to create the structure for your affiliate program, define commission rates, and track referral activity for accurate payouts. Affiliate promotion is enabled for each product individually, giving you complete control over your offer catalog.

Step 1: Set up your global program rules

In this section, add your terms and conditions, define referral qualifications, and create the application flow for people who want to join your program. Global affiliate rules apply to all products in your account with affiliate promotion enabled.

  1. Go to Products > Affiliates > Settings
  2. Complete each module to define the global affiliate settings. Global settings apply to every product you make available for promotion.
    • General referral settings
    • Affiliate application settings and terms
    • Commission minimums and tax requirements

Step 2: Configure product-specific settings

In each product, define the affiliate settings that are unique to each offer. 

  1. Go to Products > Products
  2. Locate and open each product you want to enable for affiliate promotion
  3. Go to the Affiliate step of the setup wizard
  4. Complete each module to define the product-specific affiliate settings
    • Enable the product for affiliate promotion
    • Define commission tiers and rates
    • Set landing pages for affiliate referral traffic
    • Set affiliate application page
    • Organize approved affiliates with lists and tags

Step 3: Share your affiliate sign-up page

Get quick links to a Kartra-hosted affiliate sign-up module from your products dashboard.

Access the affiliate sign-up page from your product dashboard

  1. Go to Products > Products
  2. Locate any product that is enabled for affiliate promotion
  3. Click the Affiliates icon in the product module
  4. Copy the Link to your affiliate page from the pop-up window
  5. Share the link to allow people to apply to join your affiliate program

Pro tip

Design a custom affiliate sign-up page to create a branded experience for your potential affiliates. Use the page builder to create the page and add a button to link to the affiliate sign-up form.