Goal: Customize the opt-in confirmation page to thank your new leads and deliver the gift you promised.

Adding Your Freemium

Before customizing the thank you page, ensure your opt-in gift is hosted online in a format your new leads can access. It's important to deliver what you promised!

Host your files in Kartra for easy access:

If you prefer, you can upload your freemium to Google Drive, Dropbox, or anywhere that can provide you with a direct access link for the file. You will need to be able to give the link to your new leads so they can access it.

Customize the Thank You Page

Go to Pages and use the drop-down to find the thank-you page in the Simple List Builder category.

  • PREFIX 2. Simple List Builder Optin TY

Update the following details on this page:

  1. Change [THING] to reflect the freemium that you promised.
  2. Edit "By clicking here" and add the direct URL to your freemium to create a download link.
  3. Replace [BENEFIT] with the benefits of your freemium.
  4. Change [YOUR NAME] to reflect your actual name.

Change or add anything else to this page as you like! The important thing about this page is that it delivers the offer that you promised in exchange for a new lead's contact details.

Note: Some people prefer NOT to deliver the freemium on the thank you page, and instead let the visitor know that a link to their download was sent to their email. 

The theory is that people who opted in using a fake email address will go back and give a real one if they want to get the content. If you prefer to do it this way, you can add a download link in the sequence email configured in the next step.

Save and publish the page:

  1. Click the Actions button on the upper right of the page builder
  2. Select Publish live to save and publish the page to the internet
  3. Click Actions > Return to dashboard to exit the builder

Move on to Step 5: Configure the Email Sequence