Tags help you track and identify visitors to your pages, enabling targeted follow-up in the future. You can apply tags directly through page settings or use advanced automation for more control.

How tagging based on behavior works

To tag a lead based on their behavior (like a page visit), they must:

  • Be an existing lead in your account.
  • Have an active browser cookie from your account, which is created when they interact with your content (e.g., filling out a form or clicking an email link).

Tagging is especially useful for tracking visitors after they’ve made a purchase or clicked through from an email.

Assign a tag with page settings

Set tag assignment in the page builder settings

Follow these steps to assign a tag directly in Page Settings:

  1. Open a page in the Page Builder
  2. Go to Settings > Tags
  3. Select the category and tag from the drop-down fields
  4. Click Add to save the selection
    • (Optional) Add multiple tags if needed
  5. Click Apply to save your tag settings

Assign a tag with advanced automation

For more control, use Advanced Automation to assign tags based on multiple conditions.

Steps to create a page visit automation rule:

  1. Go to Communications > Advanced automation
  2. Click add Automation to start a new rule
  3. Set "Lead visits page" as the ‘IF’ trigger and select the page you want to track
    • (Optional) Add an AND condition to apply the tag only if the lead meets additional criteria.
  4. Set "Assign tag" as the ‘THEN’ action and choose the tag you want to apply
  5. Save the automation rule

Example below: If a lead visits your “Home page” but hasn't purchased a product, the system will apply the tag “Page visitor” to the lead.

Create an automation to tag page visitors

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