Conditions add an AND parameter to basic or advanced automation rule triggers.

Available conditions for each asset type include:


  • AND: Source is
  • AND: Level of engagement


  • AND: Lead is subscribed to list
  • AND: Lead is not subscribed to list


  • AND: Lead has tag
  • AND: Lead does not have tag

Custom Fields

  • AND: Lead's custom field value


  • AND: Lead has filled form
  • AND: Lead has not filled form


  • AND: Lead is subscribed to sequence
  • AND: Lead is not subscribed to sequence
  • AND: Lead has completed sequence
  • AND: Lead has not completed sequence
  • AND: Lead has reached step in sequence
  • AND: Lead has not reached step in sequence

Email / SMS (only in sequence step or broadcast configuration)

  • AND: Lead has opened email
  • AND: Lead has not opened email
  • AND: Lead has clicked on link
  • AND: Lead has not clicked on link


  • AND: Lead has clicked on tracking link
  • AND: Lead has not clicked on tracking link
  • AND: Lead has clicked on page split test link
  • AND: Lead has not clicked on page split test link
  • AND: Lead has visited page
  • AND: Lead has not visited page


  • AND: Customer has bought product
  • AND: Customer has not bought product
  • AND: Customer has refunded product
  • AND: Customer has partially refunded product
  • AND: Customer has cancelled subscription
  • AND: Customer has active subscription
  • AND: Customer does not have active subscription


  • AND: Lead has played video
  • AND: Lead has not played video
  • AND: Lead has completed video

Lead Score

  • AND: Lead score is


  • AND: Lead has access to membership
  • AND: Lead does not have access to membership
  • AND: Lead has completed access level


  • AND: Lead is registered for a webinar
  • AND: Lead has not registered for a webinar
  • AND: Lead attended a webinar
  • AND: Lead did not attend a webinar
  • AND: Lead has watched the entire webinar
  • AND: Lead has not watched the entire webinar


  • AND: Lead is registered AND: active to calendar
  • AND: Lead has completed subscription to calendar
  • AND: Lead has canceled subscription to calendar


  • AND: Lead has completed survey
  • AND: Lead has not completed survey
  • AND: Lead's response to a survey question is
  • AND: Lead's response to a survey question is not
  • AND: Lead's response to a survey question contains
  • AND: Lead's response to a survey question does not contain
  • AND: Lead's survey score is


  • AND: Lead is an active affiliate
  • AND: Lead is not an active affiliate
  • AND: Lead is an active JV broker
  • AND: Lead is not an active JV broker