Test a new automated sequence thoroughly so you can understand the customer journey you created.

Testing a sequence can be done in two phases:

  1. With tests sent each time you design a new email or SMS message step.
  2. As a live real-time test, where you experience each step the same way your customers and prospects will.

Send a test email or SMS

When you add email or SMS steps to your sequence, the message is composed at the Content step in the setup wizard.

SMS composer in a sequence step

Example of the SMS content composer

To send yourself a test of the message, click the Send test button in the bottom right corner of the window. This type of test is available for both Email and SMS messages.

Enter the email address or mobile number where you want to receive the test. This allows you to check the design and contents of the message in your email inbox or mobile device.

Run a real-time experience test

To fully test all the functions of a sequence, the best way to do it is by acting like the people who will eventually go through it – your customers and prospects.

Subscribe yourself to the sequence and let it run. As your lead moves through the sequence and each step is executed, you can check to make sure everything works correctly.

  1. Go to Leads and add yourself as a new lead with a valid email address
  2. Manually subscribe yourself to the sequence

Pro tips

Use a unique email address each time you test a single sequence. This ensures that your test results are clear and the sequence you’re testing sees you as a new subscriber.

If you have a Gmail or Google Workspace email address, you can create multiple variations of your email address that will all route back to the same inbox. This is a convenient way to create unique testing leads without having to create multiple email accounts.

Learn more from Google: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9308648?hl=en

As your test lead moves through the sequence, check to make sure everything is working as you intended.

Go to Leads

Lead log shows different types of information about sequences

  • Open the lead profile and check the Emails, Sequences, and Log tabs.
  • Take note of the information in each area about your progression through the sequence and interaction with any emails you receive.

Go to your email inbox

  • Open any emails you receive from the sequence and review them to make sure the design and language is exactly right.
  • Click every link to make sure they work and go to the right place.

Go to Sequences > Analytics

Sequence analytics in detail

  • Click the In detail tab in the top right and select the sequence you are testing.
  • Hover over each step to see how your movement through the workflow is recorded.

Check all conditions

If your sequence is configured to perform any other actions or segment leads moving through the flow based on any variables, check each one to make sure that every person has a positive experience.

If necessary, subscribe multiple test leads to the sequence to test each scenario or condition. To do this successfully, the test leads must each meet the conditions you are testing for (such as having a tag, etc.).

Pro tip

Use incognito mode in Chrome or a private window in most other browsers to conduct tests with multiple unique test leads. After each test, close the private windows completely and open a new one to begin a new test. This will help you avoid any confusing test data due to browser cookies.