This article describes how people who receive your emails can manage their subscriptions to your list(s).

People who sign up to receive commercial messages from you can manage their subscriptions and consent in two ways:

  1. Clicking the one-click unsubscribe link at the top of an email they received from you. Learn more about Email list-unsubscribe.
  2. Clicking Unsubscribe or Edit your details in the footer of an email they received from you.

Every email sent from your account has a CAN-SPAM-compliant footer with a link to a subscription management page for your contacts to use.

On the subscription page

Leads can manage their list subscriptions

The subscription management page allows your contacts to:

  • Change or remove the contact details they previously gave you
  • Unsubscribe from any list or sequence they are subscribed to
  • Fully revoke communication consent by clicking “Do not contact me again”
  • Remove themselves from your account by clicking “Delete me from the database”
  • Submit a spam complaint (after selecting ”Do not contact” or “delete me”)

These options allow you to stay in compliance with data privacy regulations and maintain good relationships with your contacts. If you send any kind of commercial marketing email, it’s important to allow recipients to manage their consent and for you to honor that consent.

What happens next

User action: Change contact details

  • Result: Lead profile is updated in your account

User action: Toggle off one or more lists or sequences

  • Result: Lead is unsubscribed from each selected communication

User action: Click “Do not contact me again”

  • Result: Revokes commercial message consent. The lead is unsubscribed from all lists and sequences and is blocked from receiving any future commercial mail from your account.

User action: Click “Delete me from the database”

  • Result: Revokes commercial mail consent and consent to use and store their personal data. The lead is unsubscribed from all lists and sequences and their lead profile is deleted from Communications > Leads.

User action: Click “Yes, flag this email as spam”

  • Result: Submits a spam complaint. The lead is blocked from receiving any future commercial mail from your account.

Renewing consent and resubscribing

Deleted or Do Not Contact

A contact who previously requested “do not contact” or full deletion can be restored if they decide to renew their consent.

Contacts who submit any form from your account (such as opt-in, checkout, survey, etc) will be added back to your account with updated communication permissions based on the new form submission. Previously deleted leads are reactivated and previously blocked leads are cleared for commercial mailing.

Spam Complaint

Contact the Kartra support team for assistance with clearing a spam complaint. If your contact marked an email as spam by mistake, our team may be able to assist you.