Pro tip

Use Forms to give away access to freebies like a digital file, a live consultation call, or your course in a Kartra Membership. Offering something in exchange for a person's contact information can be a great way to increase opt-in conversions.

When you create a "Product" asset in Kartra, you must configure checkout details and connect a payment processor. Products can be offered for a $0 fee, but when you use the Product asset type, your customer will still be required to enter their credit card to get your offer.

To give something away without requiring a payment or credit card, create a "Form" asset instead. This allows you to collect a new prospect's contact information in exchange for your offer instead of payment details.

Give away a free download

  1. Go to Media > Files and upload the file you want to give away. This creates a download link.
  2. Go to Pages and create a success page for your form. When people submit your opt-in form, they will land on this page. Add a button to the success page and link it to file you uploaded in the previous step. Publish the page.
  3. Go to Forms and create an opt-in form. At the Confirmation step, connect the success page created in step 2 in the Success page module. Complete the form setup.
  4. Go to Pages and create an opt-in page where people will go to complete your opt-in form. Locate the opt-in form component on the page or drag a new one into the canvas. Edit the form component and link the form you created in step 3. Publish the page.

Using this setup, visitors to your opt-in form will submit their information and automatically go to the final success page. On the success page, they can download your giveaway. 

Alternatively, you can send a link to the download in the Form's welcome email.

Give away access to a membership

Giving away access to your membership illustrates the power of automation in your account. This process can be adapted to create many different experiences for your prospects and customers.

  1. Create an opt-in form and go to the Basic automation step of the setup wizard
  2. Create a new rule:
    • IF Lead fills form [this form] ... THEN Grant access to membership [Your membership] + [Access level]

With these rules set, every lead who completes your form will automatically be granted access to your membership.

Grant access to a membership for free