Successful sales keep your business growing, so it’s important to make sure that every step of a new purchase funnel is working correctly before pushing live traffic to your sales page.

Pro tip

Always test a new or updated product funnel before launching it, beginning at the first place a prospective customer will arrive (usually a landing or sales page) and ending at the very last step of the experience you designed (this could be a post-purchase thank you page or a welcome email, etc.).

Test your products in two stages: A soft test and a live test.

Test Mode: Soft Configuration Test

Product module in test mode

Start by testing the purchase flow in Test Mode.

Test mode lets you check the mechanisms performed by Kartra for your product, such as the look and feel of the checkout form and post-purchase automations.

  1. Go to Products
  2. Locate the product you want to test
  3. Click the toggle on the right side of the asset module to switch to Test mode
  4. Click Test order in the same menu to launch a test checkout form
  5. Put the product back in live mode by clicking the toggle again when your test is complete


While in test mode, Kartra does not send or receive any information from your payment processor. No money is exchanged during a test mode checkout

To test the connection with your payment processor and make sure you can receive payments, always run a live test as the final step before launching a new product.

Test Mode Checklist

  1. In Kartra, check the lead that was created or updated with the purchase to see how the transaction was logged and how your information was captured.
    • If automations are configured, such as to tag or add the lead to a list after purchasing, check to make sure that the actions occurred correctly.
  2. In your email inbox, check the purchase confirmation email with your invoice and any other emails you may have configured to send post-sale.
  3. If the sale was configured to automatically trigger access to a digital resource (such as a file download or access to a course), check to make sure everything is correct.

Live Mode: Live Experience Test

Product module with live mode active

Complete your testing by performing a live purchase.

  1. Go to Products
  2. Check the product you want to test and confirm it is in Live mode.
  3. Ensure that every other part of your sales funnel is complete and ready for live traffic (pages, automations, emails, etc).
  4. Visit the sales page and enter your information in the checkout form as if you are a real customer, including the details of a valid credit card or PayPal account (depending on the payment processor you have configured).
  5. Purchase the product.

Live Mode Checklist

  1. In Kartra, check the lead that was created or updated with the purchase to see how the transaction was logged and how your information was captured.
    • If automations are configured, such as to tag or add the lead to a list after purchasing, check to make sure that the actions occurred correctly.
  2. In your payment processor account, check the transaction to see how it was logged.
    • Pro Tip: The “Processor transaction ID” for the charge is the unique reference that you can use to match a transaction between the records in your Kartra account and your payment processor.
  3. In your bank or credit card account, check to see how the transaction appears in your statement. (Optional) 
    • Pro Tip: The statement description is typically determined by the name configured for your product, although this can vary depending on the card provider.
  4. In your email inbox, check the purchase confirmation email with your invoice and any other emails you may have configured to send post-sale.
  5. If the sale was configured to automatically trigger access to a digital resource (such as a file download or access to a course), check to make sure everything is correct.

Pro tip

Ask a friend or colleague to help you test the sales funnel. Give them a link to your sales or landing page and ask them to purchase your product with their own device and credit card (you can refund them later).

Discuss their experience so you can fine-tune any parts of the process that could be improved.

When your test experience is exactly what you want a real customer to experience when they buy your offer, you are ready to launch!

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