If another Kartra user shares a campaign code with you, you can use it to import and deploy complete funnels or sets of assets into your own account. Campaigns can help you quickly get started with a new business strategy or content framework.

  1. Go to Campaigns > Available campaigns
  2. Click the add Import button
  3. Enter the share code you received from a Kartra user and click Next

    Paste the campaign share code to start an import
  4. Review the assets in the campaign package. The following screen shows an overview of the types and quantity of assets included.

    Campaign import screen shows the type of assets contained
  5. Click Begin import
  6. When the import is complete, a success screen appears.

To use your new campaign, go back to Available campaigns. Look or search for the campaign you just imported – a “New” status appears on the face of the tile, along with the title, description, and author’s name.

New campaigns are labeled and appear in available campaigns

Click Deploy campaign to copy the assets into your account and start customizing it!