Helpful terms:
  • A favicon is the icon that displays in the browser tab when you visit pages using that domain. Your favicon should be 16x16 pixels or 32 x 32 pixels in size, and on a transparent background. PNG format is recommended, but .GIF and .JPG are also acceptable.
  • An index page is the page you want to display as your homepage when someone visits your domain. 
  • A 404 error page is the page that displays when someone visits a URL that doesn’t exist on your domain. 

To set up or change your index and 404 error pages:

Hover over a custom domain to edit or remove it

  1. Visit Kartra Account Profile > Custom domains and hover over your custom domain integration
  2. Click Edit domain
  3. Configure your index and 404 error pages and favicons and click Save in the upper right
    • Select the pages from the drop-down menus or enter an external URL for each one.

      Edit the favicon, index, and 404 page settings for a domain


  • Use the External URL option if you have a different website you want to use as the homepage for your domain.
    • Do not input the custom domain you are connecting to Kartra as the external URL option for the index page. This will create an endless loop.
  • If you do not already have a website, use the Kartra page option and select the Kartra page you want to display when people visit your domain.
    • The Kartra page must be published in order to appear as a configuration option.