Use custom field variables to send a lead’s answers back to them in an email after they complete a survey or quiz.

Identification must be turned on in the survey to collect the responder’s email address, and each question must be set to add to the lead’s profile with a custom field identifier.

Go to Surveys

Open a survey for editing and launch the Survey builder:

  1. In the survey builder menu, select or create a question

    Set survey fields to add to lead profile

  2. Hover over the form field object and click the orange pencil icon to edit
  3. In the right side panel:
    • Add the details for the question's form field(s) (shown in the previous example as beef, chicken, etc.)
    • Toggle New vs existing question ON.
    • Toggle Add question to the lead’s profile ON.
    • Create a custom field identifier: This is used to create a dynamic variable for the field response. Enter a unique identifier with no spaces.
    • Create a custom field question: This is displayed in the lead’s profile along with the answer they provide when completing this survey.
  4. Click Apply to save the form field configuration
  5. Repeat for all additional questions in the survey

In the survey builder menu, turn on Identification:

Turn on the identification form

  1. Click the toggle to turn identification ON. This requires leads to enter their contact information before they can submit the survey.
  2. Select ID Form and edit the form fields as desired. The email address field is always required.

Use Actions > Save & Exit in the top right corner of the builder to close it. Go to the Confirmation step of the survey wizard:

  1. Open the Email confirmation module and select Yes, send a confirmation email
  2. In the left sidebar, scroll to the bottom and locate Custom fields

    Add your survey fields to the email message
  3. Click the blue pencil icon to select each field you created in your survey
  4. Copy each variable and paste them into the email message where you want the lead’s answer to appear. The variables is the custom field identifier you created, surrounded by curly brackets. Example: {Reception_meal}
    • The variable for each custom field identifier will be replaced in the email your lead receives with their actual answer to those questions.
  5. Finish the email design and close each module
  6. Complete the setup wizard for the survey

When you are finished, test the survey to make sure the email message looks the way you want it! 

Go to your live survey page and answer each question. Submit the survey, then check your email inbox for the confirmation message to review.