Kartra Products define the configuration and settings that power a checkout form on your website or sales page.

In a simple sales funnel, a prospective customer lands on a sales page with an offer and a checkout form to capture the sale. If the customer enters their payment information in the form, your integrated payment gateway collects the payment, and the transaction is recorded in your account.

The details of the checkout form – the official name of the product, its price, purchase terms, etc – are defined in a Product.

Here’s an example of a sales page to illustrate this:

Checkout sales page example in Kartra

When you create a sales page, the images and words you use to explain your offer and its benefits are added in the page builder. The page design is your chance to get creative!

In the example image, the left half of the page (marked #1) is part of the page design. You can add any images, headlines, or text that you want.

The right half of the page (marked #2) is the checkout form. The content in this area is auto-generated when you insert a Product into the page. The product configuration determines what fields are shown in the form, what price is charged when someone buys, etc.

In the product configuration, you will set:

  • Official name of the product (what buyers will see on their invoice)
  • Payment processor(s) to collect the payments
  • Price, shipping cost (if applicable), tax (if applicable), and refund terms
  • Link to the associated sales page and thank you page for post-purchase redirection
  • Checkout parameters, such as style, form fields, and terms and conditions
  • Post-sale automations, to determine how you want to tag or identify people who buy the product and some product delivery options
  • Affiliate settings, if you want to allow other people to promote the product and earn commissions

How to Create a Product Sales Funnel

Example of a product checkout funnel flow

Example created in the Kartra Funnel Builder. (1) Sales page, (2) Product checkout action, (3) Thank you page, (4) Access to a membership.

Create your Pages first, so they will be available to link in the product configuration later.

  1. Create a sales page. Add a checkout component to the page as a placeholder. You will come back to this after finishing the product configuration.
  2. Create a thank you page. Customers are automatically redirected to the thank you page after buying your product, so use this space to deliver bonuses, give “what’s next” information, etc.

Next, set up your Product

  1. Create a Product to configure pricing and checkout settings.
    • Define the pricing and all the details related to processing payments and delivering the purchased item or service.
    • This is where you can link a customer's purchase to access to a membership if you are selling a course (as in the funnel image shown above).
  2. When your product setup is complete, go back to your sales page. Edit the checkout component and link it to the product you just set up. 
  3. Re-publish the page and test the checkout!