Create custom color palettes for quick access to your brand colors throughout your account. Palettes are created or modified anywhere you can select custom colors for a design.

Kartra provides two types of color customization:

  • Preset color templates for auto-generated pages like calendar booking or default checkout forms
  • Custom colors (selected via RGB entry, HEX entry, or color picker)

Color presets are found primarily in the settings for pages or assets that are generated by Kartra to show the settings configured in an asset wizard. For example, checkout forms, calendar booking pages, memberships, etc.

Custom colors are available anywhere you create custom page layouts or content designs, such as the page builder, email builder, etc. This article explains how to create and manage custom color palettes.

How to save custom colors in Kartra

Custom color palettes are created and managed anywhere you see a color field with an RGB value. It will look something like this (example from the page builder styles configuration):

Page builder color RGB selection fields

  1. Click the RGB field to open a color selection window
    • Existing saved palettes appear below My palettes. Use the drop-down menu to browse all available palettes.
  2. Click the three dots to open the palette menu
  3. Select + Create palette and enter a name
  4. Select a color you want to add to the palette using your preferred method:
    • Click anywhere in the color spectrum to select a color
    • Enter an RGB value in the color field
    • Enter a HEX value in the color field
  5. Click the + bubble at the bottom of the window to add the selected color to your palette

    Page builder color selecters

Edit or delete a custom color palette

In the color selection window:

  1. Use the drop-down under My palettes to select the one you want to change
  2. Click the three dots to open the palette menu
    • Click Rename palette to give it a new name
    • Click Edit colors to delete individual colors from the palette

      Edit or delete the palette from the menu
    • Click Delete palette to delete the entire palette

Be careful: Deleted colors or palettes cannot be restored.