Sell access to a membership with a new product configuration. Before setting up the product, use this guide to create and complete the configuration for a membership. 

You will also need a sales page and a thank you page for the product configuration. Create and publish these in Pages.

Configure a product to sell access to a membership:

  1. Go to Products and click the add Product button on the bottom right.
  2. Complete the configuration with the pricing and other details needed to create a checkout for a membership purchase.
  3. At the Pricing step, choose whether to set a recurring subscription price or a one-time fee for access to your content.
    • Pro tip: If your membership has multiple access levels, you can create multiple price points to charge different amounts for access to each level.
  4. At the Post Sale step, open the module Accessing your product contents
  5. Choose Kartra membership

    Grant access to a Kartra membership in the product wizard
  6. In the dropdown menus that appear, choose the membership and access level for each price point.
  7. Save the module and complete the product wizard.

Pro tips

When both the product and membership assets are complete:

  • Customers who make a payment through the product checkout will immediately receive a copy of the welcome email designed in the membership asset wizard.
  • Access to the membership and access level configured for the price point the customer bought will immediately be active.
  • The membership’s content release schedule will immediately begin.
  • If the price point purchased is a recurring subscription, access to the membership will automatically be revoked if the customer cancels the subscription.
  • Manually revoke access or resend the member’s login credentials from their lead profile.