Send registrants a link for the meeting room when you activate a Zoom or Google Meet integration for your calendar appointments.

  1. Go to Calendars
  2. Open the calendar you want to edit
  3. Go to the Reminders step
  4. In the Email confirmation and reminders module, select Yes, communicate with your users, and Save.
  5. In the Booking confirmation message module, select Yes, send a booking confirmation.
    • Click the pencil icon at the bottom right corner of the module to edit the confirmation email.
      Edit the booking confirmation email
  6. In the email editor is a blue box with dynamic field variables you can use to add unique details about the booking to the confirmation message.
    Copy the meeting room variables for your message
    • To add a link to the meeting room, add {calendar_meeting_room}
    • To add the password for the meeting room, add {calendar_meeting_room_password} (if a password is configured for the room)
  7. Finish customizing the email message and click Edit in the top right corner of the window to save.
  8. Save the Booking confirmation message module.

Open the Email reminders module to set up any additional emails you want to send for the calendar bookings. Add the same two dynamic field variables to any reminder message where you want the registrant to receive them again.

Test the meeting room link and password fields by signing up for an appointment in the calendar. This will let you see exactly how the confirmation and reminder messages will appear to your registrant.

Troubleshooting meeting details

If the meeting room link and password fields do not display correctly: 

  1. Check that you are using a live email to test. If you use the "Send a test" button in the email editor, the dynamic variable fields (such as {calendar_meeting_room}) will be replaced with "TEST" instead of the details of your event. Always use a live email message to test dynamic variables. 
    • For a calendar, go to your live booking page and sign up for an appointment time using your own email address so you can review the confirmation message you receive.
  2. If the meeting fields do not populate correctly in a live email, there may be a problem with the communication between your integrated meeting room service and Kartra. Delete the integration and reconnect it to reset the connection.
    • Go to Integrations to find and delete the existing integration.
    • Create a new integration and connect to the service again.
    • Important: If the deleted integration was in use with any other calendars in your account, the configuration for each calendar must be updated. Open each calendar and go to Schedule > Meeting room in the wizard to reset and save the integrated meeting service.