Access to a membership may be granted or revoked manually at any time. This allows you the flexibility to give someone access to a paid resource for free or immediately remove a member who has violated the terms of a contract, for example.

To manage access for one lead, open their profile:

  1. Go to Communications > Leads
  2. Click on the lead’s name to open the profile
  3. Click Memberships in the menu near the top of the profile
    • All current and past memberships appear here with the access level, actions, and current status

Grant access to a new membership

Select a membership in the lead profile to grant access

  1. Select a membership and access level from the dropdown fields at the bottom of the lead profile window
  2. Click Subscribe to grant access
    • A welcome email with login details is automatically sent to the lead

Revoke or restore access to a membership

Revoke access to a membership

  1. Look for the membership in the lead profile window that you want to manage
  2. Manage access using the controls in the Actions column. A pause or play icon is displayed depending on the current status of the lead’s access.
    • Click the pause icon to Revoke access. The member is not notified.
    • Click the play icon to Grant access again. A new copy of the welcome email with login details is sent to the lead.

Pro tips

  • Revoking access resets the content release schedule for the removed lead. If access is restored, the content will be released to the lead as if they were a brand new member.
  • Grant or revoke access to a group of leads using the Action menu in the lead database. Select everyone you want to apply the change to, then click Action > Grant membership or Revoke membership to complete the batch action.