Kartra API:. This article is for developers.

You must connect to the Kartra API by sending a POST request to our secure API url at: https://app.kartra.com/api.

Note that you must connect using https (not http) as our API requires SSL encryption for a request to be accepted.

Every API call must include an array with the following parameters:

  1. User's API Key: api_key
  2. User's API Password: api_password
  3. Developer's APP ID: app_id

Both you (the App developer) and your App's end users will find your respective API Key and API Password by navigating to Integrations > API > My API. However, only you (the App developer) will know the App ID since you will need to hard code it into your App's API calls to Kartra.

Each of your App's end users will need to insert their respective Kartra API Key and API Password, so you might also need to prepare some type of interface for them type them in.

Needless to say, that means that all your end users must own an active Kartra account in order to have a valid API Key and API Password.

Kartra API key and password

Finally, you need to be aware of Kartra API's hardcoded limits. Make sure to account for those limits in your code.