To view sales analytics, go to Products > Analytics > Sales and select the product and date range you want to see. Data is displayed in chart and table formats.

Sales overview chart

Sales analytics graph

[Box 1] Metrics by time period (use drop-down or advanced filters to filter):

  • Visitors: Total unique visits to a page where sales conversions are being tracked or that came through an affiliate referral link (*)
  • Sales + Rebills: Total number of sales + total number of rebills
  • Refunds + Cancellations: Total number of refunds + total number of cancellations
    • Pending (delayed) cancelations are not included in this number. Cancelations are not registered in sales analytics until they are final.
  • Revenue: Total income
    • Payments received minus sales tax and shipping
  • Net Profit: Total income after business costs tracked in Kartra
    • Revenue minus refunds, chargebacks, and affiliate commissions

[Box 2] Metrics all time (not affected by date filters):

  • Customer LTV (Lifetime Value): Average revenue per customer
    • Revenue divided by the total number of leads who purchased at least one product
  • Active Subscriptions: Total active subscriptions with one or more payments remaining.
  • Avg Retention: Average length of time your customers maintain a subscription to one of your products before canceling.

Sales details table

Select a product funnel from the drop-down fields at the top of the analytics page or by clicking a product icon just above the table (shown in the following image).

Sales analytics details in a table

Tip: Click View all transactions at the top right of the table to open a new page showing all transactions for the selected product.

The sales analytics table shows each product in the selected funnel. Use the horizontal scroll bar to see all columns. To see a breakdown per price point, click the product name in the left column to expand it.

Sales analytics always shown:

  • Sales: Total number of new checkout sales
  • Rebills: Total number of automatic rebills processed
  • Quantity: Total number of units sold (ie, sales plus rebills)
  • Revenue: Total income
    • Payments received minus sales tax and shipping
  • Net Profit: Total income after business costs tracked in Kartra
    • Revenue minus refunds, chargebacks, and affiliate commissions
  • Refunds: Total number of refunds and amount refunded
  • Cancellations: Total number of cancellations
  • Chargebacks: Total number of chargebacks and amount returned in disputes

Conversion analytics dependent on tracking code:

A product conversion tracking code allows Kartra to track visits to a checkout form on a product sales page and calculate the conversion rate – i.e., the number of visits that result in a sale. Learn how to install the tracking code.

  • Visitors: Total unique visits to a page where sales conversions are being tracked or that came through an affiliate referral link (*)
  • Conversion: Percentage of visits that resulted in a sale
  • Profit Per Click: Net profile divided by the number of tracked visits to the sales page

(*) Visitor tracking is dependent on the product conversion tracking code for each of your products. Learn how to install the conversion tracking code

Unique visits can only be tracked when the person on the page accepts all cookies. If optional cookies are not accepted, every visit will be counted as +1, even when the same person returns to the page. Learn about essential vs optional cookies.