Check your plan

Affiliate management is included with Kartra Growth, Professional, and Enterprise plans. Review or change your subscription in your account Billing.

Kartra provides commission tracking and analytics for your affiliate program, allowing you to easily see how much affiliate in your network has earned and whether they are eligible for payout.

Important: Kartra does not provide banking services and cannot send money to your affiliates. 

Use the tools provided in your account to determine how many commission payments are due and then mark affiliates as paid to update your records once an external payment has been issued.

Commission payment settings

Conditions for when and how affiliates will be paid are set in the global settings for your affiliate program or in each product individually. Learn more about how to create an affiliate program.

How to issue payments:

  • Manual payments – Manual payments should be used for most affiliates. Partners are paid only when you send a payment from your bank or another method. This is never automatic.
  • PayPal Instant Payment – Choose automatic payments with P.I.P. for trusted partners only.
    • Instant payments happen at the time of sale. The purchase amount is collected by PayPal and part of it is sent to you and the other part is sent to the affiliate. The full total will never appear in your PayPal account, as it is split before posting to you.
    • Use this with trusted affiliates only, as recovering funds after a refund or chargeback can be a challenge.

When to issue payments:

  1. Based on payment milestones – Add payout milestones in the product configuration. For example, you can choose to issue 40% of the commission immediately and hold 60% for 60 days.
  2. Based on minimum sales – Add a minimum sale requirement in the global affiliate settings.

Download a list of payments due

Filter affiliates to show all due payment

  1. Go to Products > Affiliates
  2. Click Advanced filters in the top right
  3. Use the drop-down menus to filter the affiliates shown in the table by their approval and/or payment status
    1. Select Due payment to show all affiliates who are eligible for a payment
    2. Due but incomplete shows all affiliates who have earned commission but do not meet a commission for payout. Hover over the grey dollar symbol in the Actions column to see why.

When the affiliates have been filtered to show the group you want to pay:

Export payment details for affiliates

  1. Tick the box in the top left of the table header to select all affiliates
  2. Use the Actions... dropdown in the top right to select Export payment details
  3. A pop-up window appears with a summary of the records available to download, separated by payment type. Export each set separately.
    • The export gives you the option to download details for all affiliates who have provided them for a certain type, OR for those who have marked the type as preferred. An affiliate may prefer to receive commission payments a certain way, but you are not required to use that method.

Pay your affiliates

  1. Use the exported CSV files to prepare and send commission payments to your affiliates. This is typically done through your bank or PayPal account.
  2. When all payments have been issued, come back to Kartra and update the affiliate records
  3. Use the filters to find the group of affiliates that were paid
  4. Select all affiliates and use the Action drop-down to select Mark as paid.

Remember: Kartra can not send any money to your affiliates. Marking an affiliate as paid is for record-keeping only. The actual payment must be issued from a financial service.