Kartra provides several ways that you can segment the recipients of your emails. During the setup of an email, you can choose who will receive it by selecting from a range of criteria.

Configure marketing emails in your account Communications

  • Use Broadcasts to create single-send emails
  • Use Sequences to create one or more automated emails in a chain

Use recipient conditions to segment by multiple factors

In the Broadcast wizard, go to the Recipients step:

  1. Use the drop-down fields to select the segment of leads who should receive the email.
    • Pro Tip: Always start with a “Subscribed to list” selection. You can refine the selection further by adding conditions. Learn more about list-unsubscribe.
  2. Click Add to apply your selection.
  3. Add conditions to narrow the recipient group even further. Use the drop-downs to select AND/OR and then the condition you want to apply.
    • Example (shown in image above): The email will be sent to everyone that is subscribed to the 2024 Summit Attendees list AND who have clicked a link in a previous email within a 30-day period. This segmentation targets people who attended a Summit and have demonstrated interest by clicking links in previous emails.

In a Sequence, drag a Send email step into the canvas to create an email:

  1. Go to the Recipients step
  2. Use the drop-down fields to add advanced recipient filtering to the email configured at that step. Keep in mind that only people who are subscribed to the sequence you’re working on are eligible to receive the email, regardless of the conditions you add.
    • Pro Tip: The recipient selection for most sequence emails should be “Anyone reaching this step.” This will ensure that anyone who is subscribed to the sequence will receive the email.

Send an email to people who do not have a tag

For more complex targeting, use the recipient drop-down fields to apply filtering criteria. For example:

  • Create one email with the recipient set to Has tag “Repeat Buyer”
  • Create a second email with the recipient set to Does not have tag “Repeat Buyer”

Creating multiple versions of an email with different recipient criteria lets you control the message each recipient receives depending on another aspect of their history or behavior.